
发布时间:2023-04-26 14:23:13 阅读:219 点赞:0

关于”建筑物.“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Of a building。以下是关于建筑物.八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Of a building

As the captain of China, Beijing has always been the most popular city in China, so and people want to go to Beijing. I think the best time to travel to Beijing is spng, becse the weather is very good at that time. It's not too hot or too cold.

The warm wind will make you feel happy. Many people come to Beijing becse of its betiful scenery and cultal hetage. If you want to have a pleasant joney, I suggest that when you feel tired after a day's joney, go to see the Great Wall, the summer palace, the Olympic Park, etc Place, you can taste "Zhajiang noodles", which is a traditional food in Beijing.

In Beijing, you can do a lot of other things, such as shopping in shopping malls, visiting different kinds of parks, visiting "Siheyuan", so I hope you can have a good time in Beijing.




China's most incredible building, the Great Wall, is considered to be the only man-made that can be seen fm the moon. Although it was once thought to have been built entirely dung the Qin Dynasty fm B.C. to B.C., the Great Wall is now belid to have been built earlier, up to feet high and feet wide.

The milen building was undouedly desied to resist the invasion of impeal civilians, and they were forced to build the wall It is not worth it. Howr, the walls and other public works built by the Qin Dynasty csed great wealth and loss of life to the country. Therefore, angry people revolted against the Qin Dynasty.

Beginning fm the Han Dynasty , due to its ch history and maificent appearance, the Great Wall attracted tousts, scientists and histoans, and will continue to do so for generations.




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