
发布时间:2024-02-06 14:14:00 阅读:53 点赞:0



Dear Mr. / MS, we are sorry that we can not send you the catalogue and pce list you requested in yo March letter immediately. It is expected that the pnter will be supplied within o weeks.

As soon as we receive it, we will send you a copy of yo faithful / Dear Mr. / Ms. when I received yo letter yesterday complaining that the central heating of yo new house is not in accordance with o earlier one When the date pmised in the letter was completed, I was very wored.

I found that I had made a mistake in the completion date. It was my flt and I deeply regret it.




2:应用程序,Title addressee's name, title, address (salute) (subject) personal siate Dear Sir instruction: wte a memorandum about words to student department and ask them to fix a telephone memo for each dormitory August to: head of student department: Li Ming subject: telephone dear sir, I would like to remind you that as a college student, ry dormitory has We need a telephone. We need to deal with the increasing communication with teachers, fends and people outside the school. We need a telephone to get and send information.

This is very important for us. Although most of us have mobile phones and email addresses, the telephone in the dormitory is the most convenient and inexpensive communication tool. I hope you will notice this pblem and solve it as soon as possible A summary of Li Ming.




3:app,Every morning, the editor in chief of a newspaper office will hold a meeting with reporters to discuss the main nts of the day. Once the reporters know what to wte, they will send reporters to cover these nts. They will start to work, call people, arrange time for face-to-face interviews.

Sometimes they will conduct telephone interviews. It is very important to check the information. They will go to the newspaper's own library to find what they need Information.

This is called homework at the same time. The photo editor decides which photos the next day's newspaper photographer needs to take. Sometimes the old photos come fm the newspaper's own picte library.

This can save a lot of time and money. All people working in the newspaper must be able to work quickly. For example, there may be a fire.

In this case, ryone must act quickly They have to stop working on a story and start new important news immediately. They have to find new information as soon as possible. A photographer is sent to take photos immediately.

Everything is put on the news desk. The editor in chief decides which one will be the most important news on the fnt page. Sometimes, if something important happens later in the day, other editors will read the article and wte about it We make the necessary changes, so we have to change that [so, at the end of the day, wte down the title of each story, there's no time to add new stoes, the time for pnting is up, it's done on a fast-moving press, and then we transport the paper by truck.

The speed of the plane is very important. People want to buy the la newspaper, no one wants to buy yesterday's newspaper.



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