
发布时间:2024-03-04 15:50:44 阅读:25 点赞:0



Recently, graffiti can be seen rywhere in many colleges and universities, which makes o eyesight worse. Many students regard graffiti as a special art. Fm my point of view, graffiti is a kind of pollution and a bad behavior.

I am very angry. Public buildings are the symbol of civilization, not the place to express o thoughts and thoughts. Therefore, I think o school rules should phibit graffiti.

Those who don't want to get d of this bad habit must be srely punished. We must eliminate this bad behavior. In order to a good atmosphere for us to learn graffiti, graffiti can be seen rywhere in many colleges and universities, which makes o eyesight worse.

Many students regard graffiti as a special art. Fm my point of view, this phenomenon makes me very angry It's so ugly. It's a kind of pollution, and it's also a kind of bad behavior.

Moreover, public buildings are the symbol of civilization, not the place to express o thoughts and thoughts. I think graffiti should be phibited by o school rules. Those who don't want to get d of this bad habit must be srely punished.

We must eliminate this kind of bad behavior, so as to a good learning atmosphere for us.





Recently, graffiti can be seen rywhere in many universities, which makes o eyesight worse. Many students regard graffiti as a special art. I am annoyed by this phenomenon.

Fm my point of view, graffiti is so ugly. It is a kind of pollution and a bad behavior. Moreover, public buildings are the symbol of civilization.

Therefore, I think o school regulations should phibit graffiti. Those who do not want to get d of this bad habit must be srely punished. We must eliminate this kind of bad behavior and a good learning atmosphere for us.




Graffiti damage behavior Dear editor, graffiti has become and conspicuous in my university recently. I feel very angry with them, especially when some of my clasates praise them as a kind of so-called art. In the face of this impolite phenomenon, I can't but ask myself: in my opinion, what's wng with today's agers? Graffiti is a form of public pperty destruction.

They're messy and look ugly. Walls are public places and should not be used to express personal views and feelings. I really think that we should stop the destructive behavior, and those who refuse to stop such bad behavior should be punished.

We should remove these ugly expressions and pictes. I hope o college can retn to its true self, a clean and quiet place to study, teach and study you, Li Ming culte.




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