
发布时间:2023-07-05 11:46:47 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”有工作机会“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Job opportunities。以下是关于有工作机会八级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Job opportunities

Chesh opportunities in o daily life, some people think that there are many opportunities, so we often iore opportunities, but the fact is not the case. If you do not chesh opportunities, you will no longer support those who think that there are too many people and there is always fierce competition to compete for limited opportunities. People who hold the second view think that if a person is not prepared, it is very difficult for him to have any opportunities; howr, If a person is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities.

As for me, I agree with the latter istratively that there is indeed a fierce competition for limited opportunities. Howr, this does not mean that one cannot opportunities. In most cases, for example, opportunities are d by people themselves.

For example, many people have lost their jobs in recent years, some people are waiting for opportunities in vain, and others are themselves Create opportunities and ntually become yo own employer, so, in a way, one can take contl of yo own destiny.




2:就业机会,Dung the break, let me wte a betiful melody in the open class, let me play a betiful note in the open class, let me jump into the music classom easily, let me jump into a wonderful movement in the open class, let me jump into a betiful movement in the open class, and jump into a paragraph in the open class Wonderful movement, rather than let me in the open recess, I will use it. When they pick up a piece of folding paper, close it outside the textbook, and gently fold it in the class prepared by the teacher, don't forget to put fragrant carnations in the vase on the table for them, so that they feel warm and reluctant to give up.




3:有工作机会,Big cities can pvide employment opportunities. Big cities are highly dloped places, and the needs labor. For example, a large number of shops and shopping malls in CBD need cashiers, restaants need waiters and parks, and museums need cleaners.

Therefore, big cities pvide employment opportunities Meeting.



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