
发布时间:2023-06-14 06:38:24 阅读:134 点赞:0

关于”式礼貌“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Chinese politeness。以下是关于式礼貌四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese politeness

In fact, running a red light is very dangeus becse it may lead to traffic jams and accidents. I hope that immediate meases should be taken to prnt this kind of bad behavior. First, the public should be educated to obey the traffic rules.

Secondly, overpasses should be built to css the ad. No matter who breaks the traffic, the rules and regulations should be srely punished so that we can travel safely.




2:礼貌,Today, since we went to school, learning English has become an important part of o life. We study English almost ry day, but it seems that this is a very common phenomenon. Even though we have been learning English, most people are difficult to speak in English.

The reasons are: first, when most people learn English, they tend to focus on grammar In terms of structe and reading ability, most students learn English only to get high marks and pass exams, such as college English . If they pass the exam, some students can go to a better university, others can get a high paying job. Second, most people feel shy and afraid of mistakes, so they choose not to speak English It is not good for them in the long run.

When a person practices speaking English less, he will get worse and will not be impved. The ppose of learning English is to let people communicate and understand each other, so don't be mean to yoself. Fm the above example, don't be afraid of mistakes.

We should be confident, put down the bden, speak English, and don't be afraid of yo China English.



满分英语范文 the pce is ght the following pgrams are not suitable for children what's yo job what's yo job now? What line of work do you work in now how do you say

3:式礼貌,The pce is perfect for me

2、 how do you say this in English

3、 how do you say this in English

4、 how do you spell? How do you read the word

5、 I have something to do tomorw I have something to do tomorw I am busy tomorw I have something to do, I am very busy, I can't go at that time, but I can't, I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name

I have no English name I don't have an English name

I don't have an English name

I don't have an English name

I don't have an English name

I don't have an English name

I don't have an English name

I don't have any money. I don't have any bthers and sisters, no bthers and sisters, no car, no car

it's not known what time it was yesterday and what time we are going to do today.


价格非常适合我价格合适适合以下节目不适合儿童你工作是什么你现在在做什么工作?你现在在哪一行工作怎么说你怎么用英语说这个怎么说你怎么拼写请你怎么读这个词我明天有事要做我明天一整天都忙着我有事要做我很忙我不能在那个时候去,但我不能,我没有英文名我没有英文名我没有英文名我没有英文名我没有英文名 我没有英文名我没有英文名我没有英文名我没有英文名我没有英文名字我没有英文名字我没有英文名字我没有英文名字



标签: 外企英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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