
发布时间:2023-07-11 01:08:14 阅读:271 点赞:0

关于”处于不好情绪“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:In a bad mood。以下是关于处于不好情绪四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In a bad mood

When things don't go their way, agers will be depressed and n lose their temples. This is normal, so you don't have to blame yoself. The temple is like a wild animal.

It will disappear quickly. Sometimes when you lose yo temple, it is very important to learn how to contl it. You may say or do something that you will regret later.

What you say or do is OK It can ht others. Even if you apologize harshly afterwards, it's like nailing a nail in a fence. Even if you can take the nail off the fence in the fute, it will leave traces.

Whenr you are angry or want to lose yo temple, try counting to ten and think whether yo words and deeds will ht others. After all, losing the temple means that you have no better way to solve the pblem.




2:心情不好,Life is like a joney. It's normal to encounter difficulties and obstacles. It's important to learn to face the reality and change yo attitude.

There are many ways to yo fends change their mood when they are unhappy for the first time. Listening to music or watching movies can to distract and forget the unpleasant things. Secondly, outdoor activities are always important to change the mood.

Third, people get depressed, think too much, and it's useful to socialize with people. It's easy to affect o mood by going out with outgoing fends. There is no dou that the most important way to comfort them is not to have other fends nd them.







3:处于不好情绪,My good fend, do you have a good fend? If you ask me this question, I will say her name is Lili. She is a league member and one of the best students in o class. When I have something I don't know, I always ask her.

She is like my little teacher, but she is not a bookworm. We play together when we are free. Time goes by.

We become good fends just becse of us I hope we can get into the same high school, so now I'm determined to catch up with her. We all like each other.



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