
发布时间:2024-02-23 09:36:57 阅读:117 点赞:0



If a first date makes you nervous, meeting a complete stranger can be a tough task, and chatting about the weather or the crazy March session may not make you understand yo compatibility. There is no real way to answer questions and answers in the first place, but how can you avoid sounding like you're interviewing yo own people? Inspired by the reddit post on R / askwomen, find After a job, we asked o Facebook and itter communities what they most wanted to hear on their first date. Here's some advice fm women fans of redditor and HuffPost: what do you love, tell me yo favote story, what was yo hst moment in the past month, and how was yo day What kind of person are you What's yo fute like? What is yo contbution to the world? What is yo favote book? Which fictional character do you like best? What is yo favote quotation? What do you want fends to do to you? What do you like best about yoself? Are you spontaneous? What motivates you in life "what's the best compliment you've r received".




2:令人尴尬,On the most embarrassing day of my life, my good fend Lili and I went to the library to s the ad. I saw an old man looking nd. I thought the old man was blind, but Lily didn't think so.

So we decided to ask the old man and see who was ght. As soon as we opened o mouth, the old man had already started to s the ad. I guess it's not ght.

This is the most embarrassing thing in my life.




3:尴尬,How to be a good talker you are a good talker what makes a person a good talker is very important in any envinment, whether it's business, social, or, I don't think there are any tcks or dark techniques that you have to apply to be a great conversationalist. Here are ten timeless rules that I apply to all my conversations: Be genuinely interested in this person who he / she is, what he / she thinks in his / her heart, what he / she likes to do, and inspire him / her in life. These are the questions I have to ask.

Everyone I meet is at the heart of my life goal (ing others dlop my real interest in others, fm who they are to what they do, is natal / / this real interest, not artificial interest Fun is essential for a conversation to fly. If you're not interested in another person, why talk to him / her? Life with the person you really want to talk to is too short to spend time doing things you don't like or focusing on positive things. Or instead of talking about past gevances, choose to talk about fute goals instead of the coffee spnkled on the table this morning, talk about the movie you're looking forward to seeing later in the ning, and occasionally talk about negative topi, but only if you feel that you're getting along well with each other and have a specific ppose (e.g., to get to know each other better or with them Connect, not argue (or argue).

A platform for expressing opinions, rather than a battlefield against another person's position. Be ready to chat, discuss and talk nonsense, but do so kindly. If rything is to be discussed in agreement, there is no need to have a conclusion or consensus in each discussion.

The conversation can be exhsting, If there is no common gund, make things public. Don't impose, cticize, or judge people's opinions, respect their , and don't invade their pvacy unless a common bond is established, respect the individual's choices, and do not cticize or judge ryone's own ghts, just as you have the ght to be yo own/.



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