
发布时间:2023-10-22 02:48:57 阅读:111 点赞:0

关于”近代生活变化“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Changes in modern Chinese life。以下是关于近代生活变化四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in modern Chinese life

Zhang Haidi was born in an intellectual family in Shandong Peninsula of Wendeng county. When he lost consciousness with his chest and his life was unable to support his death threat, she regretted that she had no time to work any . She should chesh ry minute.

She wte in her diary: "I can't live. To live is to learn. To do it, she is to wte some famous novels for people of Shandong literary and Art Federation When she translated the English novel clinic to the editors of the publishing house, the comrades in their fifties were moved to tears and wte the preface enthusiastically: "the ad extends in a paralysis." Haidi, who studies Japanese, German and Esperanto, also s the youth nd him, encoaging them to love life, chesh their youth, stve to serve the people and contbute their light and heat to the pspety of the motherland.




2:现代生活变化,Some people think that the advantages of doing part-time jobs oueigh the disadvantages, while others don't think so. What do you think of this and explain why and college students have given up their studies becse of part-time jobs in recent years. Therefore, many people object to part-time jobs.

Howr, in my opinion, part-time jobs have at least three advantages for college students: first, students can pass part-time jobs For example, if a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable him to better understand what he has learned fm books. In addition, part-time work can give him the opportunity to spass what he has been tght in class, and he can also learn something that does not exist in books. Howr, in practice, students can accumulate work expeence thugh part-time work, which is good for them.

In fact, part-time work is a warm-up for students to find full-time jobs after graduation, and it is also a preparation for their fute career Due to the lack of practical work expeence, graduates often do not like to work in the job . For those who finally have accumulated part-time work expeence, they are likely to find a job, but it is not the least important. Part time work can partly reduce the financial bden of students, especially those fm poor families.

Due to the new education policy, tuition fees have sen sharply in recent ten years, many students fm poor families can not afford tuition fees, and o banking It is an undeniable fact that students break the balance beeen work and study, especially when there is conflict beeen them. But I think students should spend their spare time on part-time work. Only by following this pnciple can they benefit fm their part-time students.





3:近代生活变化,My view on modern life Some people think that life is better now than in the past. They think that o life is than o ancestors could have dreamed of. Convenience food on the simplifies cooking.

Home appliances make housework easier. The new invention makes o work fuller and less tired. The dlopment of medicine s people live longer and healthier.

It seems that we live in paradise. Howr, people beli that the life in the past is better than that in the present. They think that in this competitive society, people must work harder and learn knowledge to adapt to the rapid dlopment of modern life.

People must be pficient in dealing with many complications in life and work In my opinion, there are always some pblems in life that people didn't have to face in the past. In the past, there were some pblems that people didn't have to face in the past. Today's life is full of happiness.

If we should be optimistic, we should face rything with a ile, whether it's happiness or pain. This is the correct attitude towards life.




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