
发布时间:2023-10-18 02:47:04 阅读:62 点赞:0

关于”介绍感恩节“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduce Thanksgiving。以下是关于介绍感恩节四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Thanksgiving

A blind man was sitting on the steps of a building with a hat at his feet. He held up a si that said, "I'm blind. Please me.".

A passer-by had only a few coins in his hat. He took a few coins out of his pocket, threw them into his hat, picked up the si, tned nd, wte down a few words, and the si went back so that ryone passing by could see the new words. Soon the hat was full of people giving money to the blind.

That afternoon, the man who changed the si came to see how the situation was. The boy recoized his step and asked, "are you the one who changed my brand this morning? What did you wte?" The man said, "I only wte the truth, I said what you said, but I wte in different ways: 'today is a betiful day, but I can't see'". Both sis tell people that the boy is blind, but the first si only says that the boy is blind.

The second si tells people that they are lucky that they are not blind. Should we be spsed by the second one The effective moral is: Thank you for yo creativity and innovation. When life gives you the reason to cry, think positively in different ways, show life that you have reason to ile, face the past without regret, deal with the present confidently, prepare for the fute, have no fear, keep faith, put down fear.

The most betiful thing is to see a person ile, and the betiful thing is to see a person ile, Know that you are the reason behind it.





2:介绍感恩节,Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday mainly celebrated in the United States and Canada. As a day of thanks for the blessing of harvest, some other parts of the world also celebrate Thanksgiving on the foth Thsday and the second Monday in November. October Thanksgiving in Canada has its histocal ots in religious and cultal traditions and has been celebrated in a secular way for a long time.




3:介绍感恩节,It is not easy to find out the ogin of the Chstmas feast. Today, in most Western Chstian chches, Chstmas is the most important festival. People can only say for se that the birth of Jesus Chst was held in Rome in the year after A.D.

Other Chstian chches nd the world also celebrate this festival. Why is the celebration of December another issue without a date? The birth of Jesus can be found in the New ament. It is concerned with "who is Jesus", rather than his date of birth.

Early Chstian speculation about his date of birth was influenced by the symbolic siificance of seasonal changes. At that time, in religious thought Chstian scholars speculate that Jesus was conceived at the vernal equinox (March), so he was born on December. In many Chstian chches, March is still a festival of good news.

When the angel Gabel announced to Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus, the festival of Chstmas may also come fm In December A.D., the pa festival of the unable Sun God, established by Emper aelian, was celebrated on the winter solstice in Rome and thughout the Empire. In response, Chstians could celebrate the "sun of justice" (Malachi Jesus Chst, who called himself "the light of the world" Santa Cls). It is said that in a year , there was a good old man named St.

Nicholas Santa Cls is a fictional character, but almost all children beli him. They think he is a happy old man. On the ning of December 24, Santa Cls, with a long white beard and a red be, comes down fm a cold land in the north and comes down fm the chimney of the fireplace, Put the presents by the children's bed, or fill their stockings with water, so when the children go to bed that night, they hang up their socks.

On Chstmas morning, they wake up and find that they are full of presents. Of cose, it is their parents who filled the socks with Santa Cls. Another name for Santa Cls is Santa Cls.



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