
发布时间:2024-04-04 07:32:42 阅读:19 点赞:0

关于”我爱好是追星“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My hobby is chasing stars。以下是关于我爱好是追星考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hobby is chasing stars

Today, my bther and I went fishing. It was very interesting. Especially when we cght a fish, fishing needed a lot of patience.

Bee it took a long time to catch a fish. We prepared some baits and then put the fishing d in the water. I didn't have much patience.

I often looked at the fishing d. My bther told me not to do so, otherwise I would nr catch any fish again. My bther is good at fishing.

He fished five fish, but I couldn't catch any. I was a little upset, but my bther told me that I could go fishing with him next time.




2:我爱好是追逐星星,My favote music is bee listening to music can make me relax. When I am tired, I will listen to some quiet music, which will make me fall asleep quickly. My favote music is music with good ly.

Good ly can also me learn Chinese or English well. I like listening to music, and I will keep this hobby forr.




3:我爱好是追星,My hobby is swimming. I like swimming best bee swimming makes me relax. When I am tired, I will listen to some quiet music or sing songs.

These o kinds of music can make me fall asleep quickly. My favote music is music with betiful ly. So let me learn Chinese or English well and keep me in good condition.

I like swimming forr.



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