
发布时间:2024-01-16 08:08:15 阅读:43 点赞:0

关于”期末考试励志题目“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Inspirational questions for the final exam。以下是关于期末考试励志题目八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Inspirational questions for the final exam

(final exam) time flies, a semester has passed, we have a good time in school, but now we have to face the exam, becse we all know that almost all students are afraid of examination. Examination is a terble thing, ryone thinks so, of cose I also think so, but I still beli that if I study hard, I can get good grades, which means I can have a happy summer vacation, so I really worked hard and made a good achiment at the top of o class, and in o grade, I plan to study hard this summer vacation, And stve for the best in the next semester.




2:期末考试启发问题,Elizabeth Bennet Bennet Bennet Bennet is the second dghter of the Bennet family, and the most intelligent and resoceful person. Elizabeth is the ptagonist of pde and Prejudice and one of the most famous female characters in English literate. She is lovely and intelligent.

In a novel defined by dialogue, she is as good at talking as anyone else. Her honesty, virtue and lively wit enable her to overcome the nonsense and bad behavior in her class bound and often malicious society. Her sharp words and rash judent often lead her astray.

Pde and prejudice are essentially how she (and her true love, Darcy) overcome all obstacles, including their own faile in finding mantic happiness. Elizabeth not only has to deal with a desperate mother, a distant father, o miehaving bthers and sisters, and sral snobbish, hostile women, but also has to overcome her false impression of Darcy The false impression initially led her to refuse Darcy's marage pposal. Fortunately, when she came to realize that she was charming enough to keep Darcy interested.

As a noble character, she realized that her initial prejudice against him was wng, and that Bennet Darcy, including Darcy, had not bken thugh.




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