
发布时间:2023-11-23 01:38:10 阅读:60 点赞:0

关于”描述自己家里摆设“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Descbe yo home fnishings。以下是关于描述自己家里摆设八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe yo home fnishings

Charming town has many interesting places. In this betiful city, I have my favote places. For example, my favote restaant is Xine hotel.

There are a lot of delicious food. It is my favote clothing store and its name is Yiyi clothing. This clothing store has the most fashionable clothes, especially suitable for people who psue the trend.

There is a big park in o town It's called the Royal Magic Park. It's the most popular entertainment place. At last, many people play here ry day.

I'd like to intduce a recent cinema. It's an advanced cinema. There are also some 3D movies called phantom theater.

It's the most charming place in my town. I hope you can visit o town when you have time.




2:描述一下你家具,My life will be much better in a few years. Now let me tell you something about it. Life will be different.

The clothes we wear ry day will be colorful and betiful. They will be lighter and warmer. They don't need to be washed.

You don't need to cook at home. All you have to do is order food and dnks for you before ordeng food and delicious dinner online. We will live in spacious and bght houses and travel aund the world.

Robots will do most of the work with the of new machines, and we will become a interesting place for people to relax. Students don't have to study at school becse they will learn fm comrs at home. How wonderful life will be, don't you think.




3:描述自己家里摆设,I want a bot. The bot I want is like a betiful and lovely rabbit. I like rabbits very much.

So my bbot has o lovely ears and o big eyes. Its skin is white. Becse I like white, but I can change its clothes.

It can walk like a man. It can sing and talk. So if I want to listen to music, if I feel lonely, I can like to close it Tn it on like a voice recorder.

It can talk to me. My bot is like a fend or a companion. He nr gets angry with me, but it can point out my mistakes.

My bot can also me learn. In a word, I want a bot like Doraemon, but my bot is like a rabbit instead of a cat. It's a art and lovely rabbit.



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