
发布时间:2023-06-19 01:14:31 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”公园里花怎么说“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What about the flowers in the park。以下是关于公园里花怎么说八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What about the flowers in the park

If I had one million dollars, I would donate most of it to poor children who couldn't go to school becse they couldn't afford the tuition. Secondly, I would spend some money traveling aund the world, especially to visit Rome, Pas, London and so on in the eu zone. I would buy me a new house with a all garden, so that I could plant betiful flowers and trees.

I think I will live a happy life.




2:公园里花怎么样,I went to the children's park with my parents last week. The park is in the south of o city, coveng an area of mu. Enteng the park, you can see statues of children of different races holding hands, which is a symbol of world peace.

There is a lake in the middle, sunded by vaous trees and flowers. There are many boats and some children wing happily on the lake. To the south of the lake is a mountain with many monkeys.

The children's palace is in the East, where there are vaous exhibitions. Huxi is a place where children play. There are many recreational facilities.

We have a good time in the children's Park.





3:公园里花怎么说,It's a park. The park is on the north side of the town. The park is big and betiful.

There are benches aund the park. There are many trees in the park, some are oak trees, some are maple trees. The trees are high and there are many shade in summer.

There are many bushes and lots of dense trees in the park. There are lovely flowers in the green grassland park. This park is a good place to kill the afternoon.

There are all kinds of plants to enjoy.





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