
发布时间:2023-04-29 07:14:29 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”在暑假期间“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Ding the summer vacation。以下是关于在暑假期间六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ding the summer vacation

I went to Hainan with my family today. After we got off the plane in July, we went to the beach to see the betiful beach and swim there. There are other people there, some are sfing, some are diving in the deep sea.

Later, we had lunch at a seafood restaant near the beach. We had seafood like shmp and excrement, and had some abalone soup. We didn't want to go home becse the scenery was so betiful and there were many other exciting things to try, but unfortunately, we should go.

It was definitely an exciting tp. If I had a chance to go there again, I would be very happy again I visited this place for the first time.




I went to Hainan with my family today. After we got off the plane in July, we went to the beach to see the betiful beach and swim there. There are other people there, some are sfing, some are diving in the deep sea.

Then we had lunch at a seafood restaant near the beach. We had seafood like shmp and excrement, and had some abalone soup. We didn't want to go home becse the scenery was so betiful and there were many other exciting things to try.

Unfortunately, we should go. It was an exciting tp. If I had a chance to go there again, I would be very happy to go there again Hainan.




I had a good summer vacation this year. I went to the country for my summer vacation. It's very betiful there.

There are green plants, clear vers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent o weeks ing my grandfather do farm work there. I wte down what happened in my diary ry day.

In addition, I also the children. I them read English and impve their spoken English. Their parents thank me for that.

I took a week off. I be to get bored. I went out with my fends.

They were my best fends in high school. We didn't go to any special places. We just had lunch together at lunch time.

After a year, we were still talking about the new school With new fends, we've gwn up, we've learned , gained a new life, we don't have enough time to play, waste and lose o only o years of time, we'll get real life and belong to us.





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