
发布时间:2023-05-26 08:19:06 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”成秘籍“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The secret of success。以下是关于成秘籍六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The secret of success

Get to know the om, get familiar with where you are going to speak as soon as possible, walk nd the lecte area, and practice using a micphone and any visual . Now, when the dience reaches them, it's easier to talk to a gup of fends than to a gup of strangers. If you are not familiar with yo mateal or uncomfortable, yo tension will increase.

Practice yo speech and revise it if necessary. Practice to relax tension. Imagine yoself speaking, imagine what you're saying, yo voice loud and clear, and when you imagine yo success, you'll succeed in realizing that people want you to be succesul, and that diences want you to be fun, exciting, informative, and entertaining.

They don't want you to fail. If you mention yo nervousness or apologize for any pblems you think you have in yo speech, you may be reminding the dience to pay attention What they didn't notice. Focus on information rather than the media, take yo attention away fm yo own anxieties, and on the ace, for yo message and yo dience, yo nervousness will dissipate, tning tension into positive ener.

Masteng yo neal ener and tning it into ener and enthusia, gaining expeence and building confidence is the key to effective speech. Toasts Club can pvide you with the expeence you need.






2:成秘诀,(what's the secret of success) my father is an engineer. He works very hard. Once I asked my father what the secret of success is.

He didn't say a word. He wte a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at the paper.

It said: a = x + y + Z "I asked". A stands for success. My father explained, "x stands for effort, y stands for good method, Z means you have to stop talking and start working.

" Fm then on, I ted to be better.



满分英语范文 exercise a few minutes a day meditate for o minutes, focusing on yo breathing in and out the first thing in the morning is to wte a short telegram Email to thank or praise someone in yo social support neork (family, fends, old teachers); but in the worst tax season in history, I intervened for three hos at KPMG, descbing how to achi the benefits of happiness by dloping these positive habits after fo months, and impved job and life satiaction, No Change alone is possible, and this is one of the first long-term ROI studies to demonstrate that well-being leads to long-term quantifiable positive changes. In a study I conducted with Harvard students in, I found that there was a correlation beeen perceived social support and well-being, which is higher than the link beeen oking and cancer.

3:成秘籍,In terms of happiness, I ask readers to do a bef positive exercise once a day. Only thugh behavior change can information be tranormed 13wtedown three new things you are grateful for ry day 13wteo minutes a day descbing a positive expeence you have had in the past few hos

Therefore, if in modern society, we give up social neorks, stay away fm fends, and focus on celebties on itter, we pay for o happiness and health, so I change the question and ask employees to pvide In other words, they are likely to be pmoted in the next fo years and pay than they get in the office. The grea cultal myth of modern society is that we can't change it. My research has shown that not only can you become positive, but you can also gain extraordinary advantages if you put yo crent happiness first.






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