
发布时间:2024-01-28 06:04:30 阅读:140 点赞:0

关于”李华过生“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Li Hua's birthday。以下是关于李华过生六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Li Hua's birthday

I have a close fend about his birthday. I went to his house to visit him. He started to buy new clothes and shoes for his birthday a week ago.

He dressed very well. His mother was to entertain me and his other relatives. We ate some people with longevity on the sface at noon.

His father cooked dinner for us soon in the ning. After having a good meal, I prepared a gift for him carefully. He was very happy with him Tell me to eat with me on my birthday.




2:李华生,I had my birthday last Sunday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my fends to the party.

They gave me a lot of all gifts, such as cards, comic books and pence singing birthday songs to me. My mother made a big cake for me. I cut the cake into all pieces and distbuted it to ryone.

We played s and watched TV. We had a good time at the party.




3:李华过生,Generally speaking, if the children's birthday party is not held in the children's Museum, it is not a place for parents to hold a birthday party for their children For o hos, the children who rent their venues are the leaders and play in the local area. What's , their parents won't have to work too hard becse s, food and birthday cakes will be prepared in these places. Howr, parents are generally required to prepare gifts for their children so that they can be distbuted to the children for the party.



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