
发布时间:2023-04-02 02:22:38 阅读:79 点赞:0

关于”天气为话题写一篇“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Wte an article about the weather。以下是关于天气为话题写一篇xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an article about the weather

The weather will be fine next Monday. The maximum temperate will be centigrade, and the minimum temperate will be centigrade. The weather will be fine on Tuesday.

The highest temperate will be centigrade. The lowest temperate will be centigrade. But Winston will have a little wind.

The weather will be colder and colder. It will be cloudy on Thsday. The highest temperate will be centigrade.

The lowest temperate will be the highest on Fday Low temperate is, it will be windy when it rains, so it's best to wear warm clothes. The temperate is the highest and the temperate is the lowest on that day.




I like tumn is my favote season. When it comes, Levis will fall fm the tree. I hate the scene when I was a child becse it was so sad that I couldn't crying and the leaves died.

But now, I changed my mind, becse many people died dung the earthquake, but many touching stoes will always be remembered @ we have no reason to take the sadness of the past with us In the fute, when tumn comes and leaves fall, life will continue. I will ade their contbutions. Leaves leave their own trees.

Love will spread to ry day and live only for my dream.



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