个人介绍的英语_Personal introduction 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-29 11:18:03 阅读:153 点赞:0

关于”个人介绍“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Personal intduction。以下是关于个人介绍专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Personal intduction

Jakie Chan is a Hong Kong actor, action director, comedian, director, pducer, martial artist, screenwter, entreprene, singer and stuntman. In his films, he is famous for his acbatic fighting style, comedy timing and the use of impvisation weapons. And the innovative stunt actor Jackie Chan has been performing since s and has appeared in Firman has received stars on Hong Kong Avenue and Hollywood avenue of fame as cultal idols, Chan has been quoted in vaous pop songs, comi, and video s, an operational training singer, Chan is also a Cantonese and manup star, he has released many albums for his starng films She sang many theme songs.


Jakie Chan是演员、动作编导、喜剧演员、导演、制作人、武术家、编剧、企业家、歌手和特技演员,在他中,以其杂技战斗风格、喜剧时机、即兴武器使用而闻名。和创新特技演员成龙自S以来一直在表演,并出现在过菲尔曼已经收到明星在大街和好莱坞星光大道作为文化偶像,Chan已被引用在各种流行歌曲,漫画,和游戏,一个作训练歌手,Chan也是一个粤语和曼努普明星,他发行了许多专辑,为他主演演唱了许多主题歌。


My name is Julie. I'm 12 years old. I'm in the morning Heart school.

I'm in class one. I'm in grade six. I like reading.

I like watching TV. I'm good at English. I'm good at playing basketball.

My favote animal is cheetah. My favote color is blue. I go to school fm Monday to Fday.

I usually get up when I sleep. There are three people in my family. They are mine Dad, mom and my dad are dvers.

He is very fendly. My mother is a doctor. She is old.

She is very kind. She is very ful. I am a student.

I am 12 years old. I study hard ry day in my class. I love my family.




Zheng Dashi, Nagoya, Japan, March cm kg singing, Li Ning participated in the South atum of the world cup with music. Today, I would like to intduce to you a man named Zheng Dashi. He was born in Ngoya, Japan.

On March 2, Zheng Dashi was a few centimeters tall. His hobbies are singing and listening to music. Do you know this person has r participated in the world cup.



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