对美的理解英语作文_Understanding of beauty 3篇

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关于”对美理解“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Understanding of bety。以下是关于对美理解初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Understanding of bety

As people become and sensitive to their appearance, some people stngly oppose sgery to betify their image. They think that external bety is not important, but internal bety is important. But I do not think so.

I insist that artificial bety is in line with the nate of human love. I have o reasons to support my view. On the one hand, ryone likes betiful things, while physical bety Make people attractive, thus enhancing a person's self-confidence.

In addition, on many occasions, such as in the interviews for secretaes, istrative assistants and other positions, the good-looking interviewees have advantages over the plain ones. On the other hand, sgery can betify the defective people and ptect them fm discmination. Many people born with diigement or skin bns can walk out of the dark and enter the light thugh the plastic sgery mentioned above The natal conclusion is that betifying oneself thugh sgery is ful to the establishment of self-confidence and the rebirth of the disabled, and the appearance of artificial bety is a si of social pgress.




Young people have a correct understanding of themselves: when encounteng setbacks, they should first look for the reasons fm their own subjective aspects, firmly beli that "no one is perfect, ryone has a len, as long as they take positive action, dlop their strens and avoid their weaknesses", and "de the wind and waves" will "sometimes" stop compang with themselves, do not worry like others, accept yoself, and establish a kind of self-reliance, self-confidence and independence Otherwise, it is easy to form a sense of infeoty, know yoself and know the other, so we can know whether there is comparability. For example, the ability, knowledge and skills of o people, whether as input, or the one that can't be compared, will greatly reduce the phenomenon of psychological imbalance, and will not pduce those who hang on the mouth and feel that they don't know what ad to take or not to go to mateal happiness If you don't give yoself sorw, you should learn to encoage yoself: you must treat setbacks dialectically, read some sages and philosophies and biographies, you will face many setbacks in life. How to overcome setbacks, the thoughts of sages and celebties give us a lot of enlightenment.

One of the best works is often made in setbacks and adversity. Finally, I give you five "Self" is self-confidence, self-impvement, self-consciousness, self-determination, let us understand that young people really ed them thugh this difficult peod.




With the pgress of society, and new elements of bety have been added to o daily life, csing a heated debate. People have different views on bety. What is the real bety? In my opinion, do you have a dream of becoming a betiful person? The inner bety can warm the fute spitual life of others than the external bety.

I will try my best to others. Social pgress is based on the contbution we should make to o love.



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