
发布时间:2023-06-18 01:03:08 阅读:3410 点赞:0

关于”一家饮食习惯“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:A family's eating habits。以下是关于一家饮食习惯小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A family's eating habits

Hello, I'm Timmy. I like to have eggs and milk for breakfast. I often have breakfast at home.

Fm the beginning of the day, I often have lunch at school. I often eat ce and meat. It can give me ener.

For dinner, I often eat vegetables and apples. They are good for health. After dinner, at home, my grandparents' home.




2:家庭饮食习惯,Bad eating habits will damage o health. Many diseases are csed by bad eating habits. In o life, there are many bad eating habits that we always iore.

For example, watching TV when eating or eating snacks means that you don't pay attention to yo food, forget how full you are, and often eat too many dnks instead of water. Soft dnks and juice usually contain high caloes and high sugar. Water can work normally on brain cells and ry or of the body It's very important to eat in fnt of the brain and stay there after meals.

For o health, we should overcome all these bad eating habits.




3:一家饮食习惯,When you are in China, you have to admit that you are lost in the food garden. For me, what I am good at is tasting rather than cooking. When you are a Roman religion in Rome, chopsticks are a necessary tool for you to eat.

As long as Beijing daily food, steamed bread seems to be forei food, Chinese traditional food dumplings are good. Of cose, Beijing ast duck is a world-famous food. The main difference beeen Chinese and Western eating habits is that they are different fm the West.

In the west, ryone has his own dish. In China, the dish is on the table and ryone shares it. If you are treated by a Chinese host and prepare a ton of food, the Chinese people are very pud of their food culte and will try their best to show their hospitality.

Sometimes the Chinese host will use it Chopsticks put food in yo bowl or plate. It's polite. The pper thing to do is to eat something, and if you feel uncomfortable, tell them how delicious it is, and you can politely say thank you and leave the food there.



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