
发布时间:2023-05-10 04:56:01 阅读:125 点赞:0

关于”中化差异认识“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Understanding of Sinochem differences。以下是关于中化差异认识六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Understanding of Sinochem differences

(China's modernization will bng many benefits to the Chinese people. The pgress of science and technolo will open up new ads for better industes and consumer goods. Railways and trains will impve the transportation of people and goods, and people will live a hr and longer life.

Howr, modernization has also bught about many new pblems. Air, land and water pollution has become a seous pblem in many parts of China. The number of vehicles on the ads is also increasing, csing traffic accidents and casualties.

We can deal with these pblems. If we are careful, we can train many envinmental scientists to clean the operation of factoes. We can pass new laws to deal with these pblems To ma o traffic safely, we must impve o education so that better educated people can prepare for tomorw.




2:对中化差异理解,Desertification is a seous pblem of desertification in recent years. It reflects the dlopment trend of desertification in a region fm o aspects. In the s, the area of desertification was square kilometers.

In the last decade, the area of desertification increased to square kilometers. Compared with the previous ten years, the area of desertification land finally reached square kilometers. The table also shows the frequency of sandstorms in the region fm s to s.

The frequency of sandstorms increased sharply becse of the slow increase of desertification area, which increased by about 2%. Now it is clear that this is an international pblem, it is csed by the loss of forests and vegetation, the undergund water is preserved by plants, so if there are not enough plants, the land may become desert. Desertification can cse sre weather such as sandstorms, n change the climate of a region, and also desty the diversity of animals and plants.

So far, there is no effective way to solve this pblem thoughly, but there are many things that human beings can do to prnt desertification, fm planting trees seously or stopping felling trees, there is still a long way to go.






3:中化差异认识,As we all know, water is indispensable in o daily life. We dnk water ry day. We use water to wash things and cook.

We also use water to make machines. People can't do without water. Although there is water on the earth, there is only fresh water among them.

So we must save water by taking a shower instead of taking a bath. We can save water by repaing, we can save water by not washing under the tap.



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