
发布时间:2022-09-21 17:15:07 阅读:142 点赞:0

关于”单一别“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Single 。以下是关于单一别专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


The study found that people like music for the same reasons as they are attracted to , drugs, gambling and delicious food. When you hear music that moves you, yo brain releases dopamine. This study is the first to link dopamine release to the please of music.

The study found that a chemical is involved in motivation and addiction, n just prediction The sound of works like Vivaldi's the fo seasons or fish's you like myself also makes people feel good about the flow of chemicals.




In today's society, there are o types of classes, that is, coeducation classes. They are faced with the pblem of which type of class to choose. Frankly speaking, different students have different opinions.

Many people stngly oppose that students choose a single class they think they should attend. Single classes distinguish boys and girls. In addition, a single gender class prnts young people fm dloping into a complete personality.

Howr, others beli that it is a good choice for students to choose single class. They say that in most cases, boys and girls learn and acquire knowledge in different ways. Moreover, there are many differences in interests beeen girls and boys.

To be honest, weighing these o arguments, I prefer the former. On the one hand, single classes always follow a unified structe and simplicity What's worse, attending a coeducation school may kill the possibility of a dynamic young person gwing into another full of personality. Students can gain ch expeence by attending coeducation classes.

In short, I think the advantages of CO education are far greater than the disadvantages of single education If I had to choose beeen these o types of coses, I would not hesitate to choose VIP coses in coeducation+.




In today's society, there are o types of classes, that is, coeducation classes. They are faced with the pblem of which type of class to choose. Frankly speaking, different students have different opinions.

Many people stngly oppose that students choose a single class they think they should attend. Single classes distinguish boys and girls. In addition, a single gender class prnts young people fm dloping into a complete personality.

Howr, others beli that it is a good choice for students to choose single class. They say that in most cases, boys and girls learn and acquire knowledge in different ways. Moreover, there are many differences in interests beeen girls and boys.

To be honest, weighing these o arguments, I prefer the former. On the one hand, single classes always follow a unified structe and simplicity What's worse, attending a coeducation school may kill the possibility of a dynamic young person gwing into another full of personality. Students can gain ch expeence by attending coeducation classes.

In short, I think the advantages of CO education are far greater than the disadvantages of single education If I had to choose beeen these o types of coses, I would not hesitate to choose coeducation classes.



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