
发布时间:2024-02-22 06:41:09 阅读:184 点赞:0

关于”化学重要“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Importance of Chemistry。以下是关于化学重要专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Importance of Chemistry

2. Thugh their own study efforts and pfessional skills, only thugh practice to stabilize the employment pnciple, impve pfessional and technical ability, and dlop their own better in the fute, college students can be closer to their desire for the company thugh practice, and pvide reference for fute employment and internship is a pcess that graduate students must expeence, and a pof is also yo ability, especially in the University Enterpse internship, can give full play to yo talents and pfessional skills learned in school, deepen the understanding of the cse, love or be good at the industry, which pves that college students are a real working envinment in the pcess of practice. Different fm the school, to impve their comprehensive quality and work expeence, they have some deficiencies and work unfamiliar and technical school and workplace, learning And work, students and employees are a qualitative change, they are very different fm practice, formal employment fm students to employees, fm learning to work, fm school to enter the workplace, in order to truly contact the expeence of workplace practice, employment will go a lot less detos, practice can increase their competitive advantage, and internship is also a kind of work expeence, there are people in the interview If you have any work expeence, most graduate students have no work expeence, but internship is yo work expeence and expeence, so internship is very good for finding a job.




In education and psycholo, the key to a person's intelligence is determined by genes, or training after training. There are always different opinions supporting the evidence that postnatal plays a decisive le in intelligence. It is mainly fm a gup of people who gain self-confidence and stve to impve their intelligence quotient.

There is a kind of local interesting academic research on college students. They have just taken this step to recruit some first-rate students In my opinion, as long as the academic achiments of the o gups are not higher than those of the former o years, they can't change their academic achiments. Howr, as long as they can't impve their academic achiments, some of them can't change their academic achiments People who can change are better.

This result shows that the concept of personal ability affects those who are willing to change their ability to pay nate, hoping that you can make a retn, that is, the effort is futile, or fther efforts are no different, natally reluctant efforts. The difference in the reward of these efforts has csed different achiments, and obviously oained the change of personal ability factors.




I have seen (know / heard / read) qyke4be5 is the most betiful girl I have r seen (know / heard / read), etc.) Helen is the most betiful girl I have r seen. Mr. Zhang is the kindest teacher I have r met.

There is nothing important than education to ptect o eyes. There is no denying that o quality of life has gone fm bad to bad. It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.

There is no dou that o education will leave. The advantage of using solar ener is that it will not pduce any pollution. The reason is that we must plant trees, becse they can pvide us with fresh air, so we can't waste time.

Although o country is ch, the quality of o life is not satiactory.




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