
发布时间:2023-06-06 16:09:25 阅读:191 点赞:0

关于”放弃“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:give up。以下是关于放弃专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:give up

Life doesn't always bng us the happiness we want, we don't always get o hopes and dreams, and we don't always go o own way, but don't give up hope, becse you can change an envinment and go to find the bety aund you at a time - in nate, in others, in yoself - beli in the love of fends and family, And humans - you can find love in a ile, a ing hand, a thoughtful geste, or a fendly word. If you just look for it, you will find the power in life, with happiness, happiness, patience and understanding, trusting in the goodness of others, remembeng anger and depression, n when you think you can't change unhappiness or pblems You can also offset it with love and hope, and you can always do a little bit - little by little change will ntually make a big difference.




2:放弃,Roman Rowland once said: "most people die in their enties and thirties. They are just the portrayal of their own life. They imitate themselves ry day and repeat what they have said, done, thought and loved and mechanically and affectably.

But they die in their enties and thirties and" live ". Recently, I suddenly realized that this sentence is referng to my university After graduation, at the suggestion of my parents, I chose a stable civil job in my hometown. This job is very and the workload is very all, so I spent my time on spendi, bought my car and house, went to the date arranged by my parents, and my life was very ooth.

Last month, I went to a clasate party, and my heart bke when I had dinner. Some of my clasates talked about their interesting jobs and interesting challenges in Internet companies. Some of them were talking about investment fund and stock strate.

Some of them were talking about all the new skills they had learned. I didn't n hear of it. But all I can say is that my wife has just got preant.

Now it seems that my children are going to be on the same bong ad as me. What I want is this life. All of a sudden, I became so terble that I couldn't live like this, and that's why I started looking for a new job I didn't want to do.

When I died at 30, life was worth living when there was something to explore.





3:放弃,When we encoage people, we always tell them not to give up. If they insist on nr giving up, they can succeed. But people accept them as a positive attitude towards life.

Sometimes, if people insist on not changing, these insping words are not wise. Sometimes people should learn to give up. Parents think learning is very important It's important to ask children to stick to their studies and go to college.

But in fact, not all children are good at learning. Some children are not interested in learning. They are good at other things.

Parents should not force their children to go to university. Children can learn what they are good at, such as cooking, repaing cars, etc. going to college is not the only way to succeed.

Learning practical skills also makes them If they stick to the ght direction, they should stick to it, but if they stick to the wng direction, they need to give up and start a new chapter in life.



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