
发布时间:2022-12-15 17:39:26 阅读:241 点赞:0

关于”不出名利弊“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The ps and cons of anonymity。以下是关于不出名利弊xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The ps and cons of anonymity

In recent years, the Internet has been populazed at an alarming speed. Some people think that the Internet has bught us a lot of benefits. On the other hand, many people stngly advocate that we should not iore its shortcomings.

It is understandable that people with different backgunds have different views. People who think that the Internet has many advantages first give us such reasons: the Internet has bught us a lot of advantages For example, we can e-mail o fends in other countes in a few minutes, while sending a traditional letter takes at least a week and is expensive. Second, we can make fends with people fm all over the world.

It overcame geographical barers and made the world aller. In addition, the Internet has accelerated the flow of information and spread education nd the world. Howr, on the other hand, we can easily and quickly access the la information fm all over the world.

One side stngly opposes that the Internet has many weaknesses. On the one hand, it can easily lead to psychological pblems. A person who goes online tends to be isolated, self-centered and uncommunicative.

On the other hand, the number of cyber cmes has sen sharply, and financial cmes such as money lndeng have increased rapidly. In addition, the number of Internet related cmes has increased sharply Being light on people also has negative effects, becse there are a lot of obscene and violent contents on the Internet. I think these o arguments are reasonable.

I fully agree with the latter view, that is, the Internet does harm than good. It cses people's psychological pblems and leads to vaous comr cmes. Moreover, it is harmful to the gwth of young people.

Meases should be taken as soon as possible to ptect people fm the negative effects of the Internet.





2:匿名利弊,Excessive diet can lead to malnuttion, for the maintenance of life, there must be sufficient nuttion supply, otherwise it will lead to many diseases. For example, if excessive diet, hair is insufficient nuttion supply, such as insufficient in intake, it will tn yellow, lead to a lot of hair loss and eat less, the basic metabolic rate is lower than normal people, so the gastininal movement is slow, gastc acid secretion is less, affecting the absorption of nutents These are the main reasons for the body's insufficient fat intake and storage capacity when anemia occs. The body's lack of nuttion and the lack of brain cell nuttion are seously damaged, which will directly affect memory and become and forgetful.

If we eat too long, especially rash and hozontal, it will easily lead to malnuttion, low immunity, lack of vaous vitamins and trace elements A diet must be moderate, O (∩) OO (∩) O (∩) O.




3:不出名利弊,It is not difficult for ryone to observe the school club. Some people maintain the tendency that joining the club can ench their university. On the contrary, life, like rything, has its o sides.

Others think that it may conflict with their study. Those who support their positive views have vaous reasons. First of all, school club Yes, to impve their social skills.

What's worth mentioning is that they can make new fends like any other things, which will also bng about their own adverse effects. We can easily observe that this is a waste of o study time. In addition, there are many good contradictory views for me.

I think joining some clubs is really good for o gwth, and these activities give me We bng fun and entertainment to make o college life colorful.



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