my school的英语作文_my school 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-21 05:11:32 阅读:119 点赞:0

关于”my school“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:my school。以下是关于my school小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:my school

My name is Beth. I am a year old. I study in Huian No.2 Middle School.

My school is very big and betiful. I am very happy in school. I usually get up in the morning and then I do morning exercises on the playgund.

I have breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dining om after dinner. I often read English with my clasates.

We have six classes ry day. The first class starts fm all the classes I like, becse my teacher can make the class lively and interesting. My favote subject is English, so I join the English corner ry week.

I can speak English with many other students there. I think it's very interesting and exciting. It s me to learn English well after class.

I always play s with my fends. We play basketball, football and volleyball Ball, table tennis and so on. They are very relaxed.

I like my class, my fends and my teachers. I love my school. I find my school life and meaningful and colorful.

My school life is betiful, not "I":: ".




(my school, my home) there is a betiful school in Qinu senior high school in the western subbs of Shanghai. It covers an area of than mu. It is a boarding high school in Shanghai.

It is my school. Fm the perspective of her , it is not difficult for us to know that ry student studying at school should really live in school. I live in school all day.

O school is a modern high school There is a comr-contlled pjector in a classom, which is the paperless teaching of the teacher. The envinment of the school is also the best. There is a ver near the school.

The ver is clear. There are a few fish and shmp in the ver. The school sports facilities are very complete, not only the checkered track, basketball cot, football field, but also the tennis cot, bton cot and a ping pong table Ping Pong hall and mnasium and rything else is there.

This is my school, my family. I love my school. I love my family.



满分英语范文3:my school

My school life (Note: when I was six years old, I be to go to school. The first school I went to was a pmary school. There were many subjects (such as Chinese, athmetic, history, geography, painting, etc.) since I became a student, I studied very hard.

My parents were pud of me. I studied there for three years. When I was 12 years old, I entered a junior high school.

I became a high school student. I still studied very hard, except for my sick leave I've nr been absent fm class. Everyone regards me as a model student.



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