
发布时间:2024-02-11 01:56:49 阅读:94 点赞:0

关于”保护春节方法“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Ways to ptect the Spng Festival。以下是关于保护春节方法初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ways to ptect the Spng Festival

Today, the quality of o natal envinment has become an important issue. The world's population is gwing so fast that the world has become overcwded. If we continue to do so, we are consuming o natal resoces and polluting o envinment with dangeus chemicals.

Life on earth cannot svive. People have made some pgress in envinmental ptection. Many governments have enacted laws to ptect air, forest and mane resoces and stop envinmental pollution.

More meases should be taken to solve envinmental pblems. People should be fther educated about the importance of these pblems, use modern methods of birth contl, ptect o natal resoces and recycle o pducts. We are se that we can use the website of F http://wwhxencom/e nglishwting/chuzhoninuzuowen//html.




The giant panda, known as China's national trease, was a common animal a long time ago, but for some reasons, they have been killed too much, and the number is rapidly declining. At present, people are taking an important mease to save giant pandas. People want to find a home for them.

Recently, they set up a natal park for them in Sichuan Pvince, called Panda home. Pandas can enjoy life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the panda's home.

The pandas can easily find the bamboo they like to eat very much, becse the pandas are now well ptected and their numbers are increasing ry year. We hope that one day we will have enough giant pandas to let them live in the wild again. Panda is a good fend of human beings.

Human beings should ptect them and let them live in the way they like.





The first day of the Lunar New Year is "meet the gods of heaven and earth". Many people don't eat meat on the first day of the new year's day becse people beli it will ense that they will live a long and happy life the next day. The Chinese pray to their ancestors and all the gods that they are very kind to dogs and well fed becse people beli that the next day is the birthday of all dogs, and the third and foth days are the days when sons pay homage to their parents.

The fifth day is called "Baoyu". On this day, people stay at home to meet the God of wealth, so on the fifth day no one visits their family and fends. Fm the sixth day to the foth day, it bngs bad luck to both sides.

The Chinese are free to visit their relatives and fends, and they also go to temples to pray for good luck and good health. On the snth day of the new year, farmers display their agcultal pducts. Farmers make dnks with sn vegetables to celebrate the festival The snth day is also considered to be the birthday of human beings.

On the eighth day, fujianren eat reunion dinner, pray to the heavenly palace in the middle of the night, and the God on the ninth day will offer sacfices to the Jade Emper. On this day, after eating so much ch food, you should invite relatives and fends to dinner. On the next day, you should eat ce pordge and mustard vegetables (cabbage heart) to clean the .

The day should be ready to celebrate the Lantern Festival, which is held in the ning.




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