
发布时间:2023-04-25 14:37:39 阅读:114 点赞:0

关于”巨大变化“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Great changes。以下是关于巨大变化初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Great changes

Changes in my hometown my hometown is in Shanghai. In recent years, great changes have taken place in Shanghai. For example, the buildings are higher, the ads are wider, the trees are than before, and the sky is bluer.

Last morning, we can hear birds singing. As Shanghai citizens, we hold the World Expo in Shanghai. I am very pud that I love my hometown, and I hope it can become international.




2:巨变,In this year, great changes have taken place in the world and new pgress has been made in China. The Chinese people continue to work together to build a moderately pspeus society in an all-und way. People of all ethnic gups are wting a new chapter of a better life with their wisdom and wisdom.

This year is a year of great siificance for China. We wish all Chinese people at the time of China's reform and opening up.




3:巨大变化,You need the following: a glass of water, a cup of sugar, fo large eggs, o cups of ded fruit, a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of salt, a cup of bwn sugar, lemon juice, nuts, and a bottle of whisky sample. Check the quality of whisky. Take a large bowl and check again to make se it is of the highest quality.

Po another glass and dnk it again. Tn on the electc mixer and put it in a fluffy bowl Beat a cup of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, and beat it again to make se the whisky is OK. Call again.

Tn off the blender, break off the legs, add to the bowl, and thw the dry fruit mixte into the dumper. If the fed drumstick is bken, pry it loose with a dull sample of whisky. Next, sift thugh o glasses of salt or whatr.

Who cares about checking the whisky now sift the lemon juice and filter yo nuts with a watch candy or whatr grease you can find. Tn the cake can to the top of the oven. Don't forget to knock off the dumper, thw the bowl out the window, check the whisky and go Bed.




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