
发布时间:2023-07-08 00:36:02 阅读:97 点赞:0

关于”回家感受“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Home feeling。以下是关于回家感受高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Home feeling

Another summer in Pas or Rome comes and goes again and again, but I want to go home, maybe there are millions of people nd me, I will feel lonely, I just want to go home. I miss you, you know, I've kept a line or o of my letters to you. I'm fine, baby.

Are you ok? I will, but I know it's not too good, my words are cold, you should get , another sunny place I'm lucky I know, but I want to go home, I have to go home, let me go home, I'm too far fm where you are now, I want to go home, I feel like living in someone else's life. I know why you can't walk with me, it's not yo dream, but you always beli me,,,, another winter comes and goes, Pas or Romeo, I want to go home, I'm sunded by a million people, I still feel lonely, let me go home, I miss you, you know, let me go home, I have my running baby, I'm going home, let me go home, rything It's going to be okay. I'm going home tonight.

I'm going home.




At present, many people like to travel, such as the Great Wall, Buddha statues and other places of interest. Howr, on the way of traveling, you can often see some graffiti with "pe and pe". This kind of behavior is not good.

It destys the bety of histoc sites. This practice is only for yo own tcks. If you really need to leave yoself for yoself, pve it, and then take some pictes of good things Take action when you see this newspaper and jonal, and stop gratifying yo pranks in scenic spots and histocal sites.




Last week, my fend asked me to go to his hometown with him. I was very excited and wanted to see the scenery allowed by my parents. I planned to play for a week.

I felt free to leave home and do what I wanted to do. I picked up fruit and cght fish in the clear ver. It was too interesting for me, but when I saw my fend talking happily to his grandparents I started to miss my parents, I missed the food my mother made and the way she complained, so when I got home, I was happy and grew up.



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