
发布时间:2023-07-13 00:58:59 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”记录一件事小五百字“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A all five dred words to record one thing。以下是关于记录一件事小五百字考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A all five dred words to record one thing

This morning, I made fun of it. A dog was dancing "ballet" on the ice. The dog was dancing and sliding on the ice.

It accidentally bumped into the open li of the slide. It was funny that accidents might happen. It stood up ctiously with its fnt legs, but once it slipped back, a hook stone was diculous.

My mother was a very patient teacher. She was always patient in my English class, Becse she has a good sense of humor in my teachers. When I encounter difficulties in my study, how can I think independently and me build up self-confidence? It is my mother who encoages me to work until I solve pblems when I am sad or sad.

It is also my mother who takes care of me and I love my mother.




Last week, I met a stray dog while I was walking nearby. It was a cold day, no one stopped aund, he looked at me lessly, I thought it was a poor dog, and then I decided to take it home when I got home. I gave him some food and dnk to play with him, but I knew that he seemed a little sad.

He missed his very much. What could I do? I came up with an idea, and then with the of my father, I came up with an idea There is a dog adoption notice posted at the door of o community. The owner of the dog came to my house.

I am very happy to see the dog go home with its owner. I am pud to be able to others.




My most unforgettable is the day of skateboarding. The weather was sunny. I wanted to put the skateboard up for practice.

The place where I practiced was a green tree. As soon as I found the pole I used to have, I put down the skateboard and practiced for a while. Suddenly it be to rain in the sky.

I cleaned up the skateboard and went to shelter fm the rain with my father for a while. When the rain stopped, I picked up the pole to practice again It happened to be one day in June that my baby face changed. This is the most unforgettable thing for me,.



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