
发布时间:2023-06-08 11:04:39 阅读:205 点赞:0

关于”内在美“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Inner bety。以下是关于内在美高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Inner bety

Everyone is attracted by bety. Bety is betiful, but that's the real bety. Maybe you can get the answer fm the following story.

This morning, my parents and I went to the to buy some vegetables. They all highly praised a young man in a suit and leather shoes ding by. But he de too fast and ran into an old man.

The lady stopped carelessly. He pretended not to see him and de for a long time. We were all very angry with the young man.

A girl in plain clothes immediately ran over and ed him up Ma'am, take her home. We all praise this girl. Fm this point of view, one can not judge a person by his appearance.

A well-dressed person may not have a betiful soul, only a person with a betiful soul is truly betiful.




2:内在美,As far as I'm concerned, bety is the most important thing. First of all, no matter how betiful you are now, you will gw old and ugly. Second, most people prefer to get along with good people rather than betiful people.

Third, research shows that people's psuit of external bety is hr than that of betiful people. Hawking, Helen Keller is disabled, but her inner body has won people's praise.




3:内在美,Internal bety and physical bety generally beli that physical bety refers to a person's appearance has elet attraction to others, while internal bety refers to a person's moral standards, which has certain value to people. Many people think that appreciation is the most important, becse there is one thing, physical bety is good for ryone, on the other hand, attractive faces can us win opportunities to realize o dreams. Many people think that although spitual bety is very important, inner bety is important becse it is something deep in o heart.

In my opinion, it has a stng appeal to the society. Physical bety coexists with internal bety. Physical bety is born, but internal bety is acquired.

Therefore, we must learn to be willing to others, give to others, affectionate, selfish and tolerant The precious quality of inner bety in people s a harmonious living and working envinment.



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