
发布时间:2023-05-03 02:14:23 阅读:415 点赞:0

关于”基因编辑“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Gene editing。以下是关于基因编辑高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gene editing

True happiness "life, and the psuit of happiness" the thor of the Amecan Declaration declared that happiness is one of the basic ghts to make life valuable. William James, the first Amecan psychologist, echoed the emphasis on happiness: "if we ask such a question:" what is the first pblem in human life? " One of the answers we should get is: "this is happiness.". Every philosophical and religious pvides individuals and gups with access to happiness.

Happiness is related to happiness, escape fm pain, contemplation of wisdom, union with God, fendship, children, wealth, honor, succesul activities, n state bials and statues. Today, scientists have joined in a dialogue to find out what s happiness, or what they call "the Lord." Happiness ". If happiness is an activity consistent with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be consistent with the highest excellence - Astotle's concept of happiness is difficult to define, but the desire for happiness can establish expectations, which are often difficult to realize.

The ght to psue happiness is regarded as an inalienable ght, and ryone has nr pmised to be happy, just like Ec ·Hoff capted, in a misleading search, we hope to pvide a framework that will guide you in yo personal psuit of happiness.




2:基因编辑,Dear Mary, after reading yo letter, I know you are wored about yo life at school. Don't worry, Mary is very common. When you come to a new country, you will face many challenges, such as learning a language.

I should say that o students here are really good and ful. When you have pblems, you can ask yo teacher for . I love their students, n those fm abad.

In my opinion, you should learn to be brave and try to communicate with yo clasates. The closer you stay with them, the they will know you. Yo confidence will gw with yo understanding of them.

You will find that you have many fends who are enjoying themselves in China. Yos, Li Hua.





3:基因编辑,Why do some people become world famous and respected by millions of people? Are they really talented than others, or are they succesul thugh hard work? In my opinion, in people's study or work, the le of talent is not as important as hard work. First of all, if we work hard, we can make full use of o talents. As we all know, Madame Cie has won the Nobel Pze ice for her important scientific discovees.

She has achid success thugh expements again and again.



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