
发布时间:2023-05-11 08:31:45 阅读:858 点赞:0

关于”介绍“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce Picasso。以下是关于介绍高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Picasso

Picasso is known as Pablo Luis. Picasso was a Spanish painter and draftan. He spent most of his life in Francis.

The sculptor is famous for CO creating Cubi movement and vaous styles embodied in his works. The most famous works are the former Cubist wters lesdemes de Avion and Guernica, His depiction of the German bombing of Guernica dung the Spanish Civil War had an extraordinary artistic talent in his early years. In his childhood and adolescence in the first decade of the centy, he drew in a realistic way.

When he ted different theoes and techniques, his style changed. His revolutionary artistic achiments bught him a world-famous reputation and great wealth, which made him a world-famous man One of the most famous figes in Ji's personal life: at the beginning of the centy, Picasso spent time beeen Barcelona and Pas. In a storm, he met fernander Olivier, a bohemian artist who became his mistress.

After levier appeared in many paintings of his se peod, Picasso gained fame and some wealth and left Olivier To Marcel Humbert, he called EVA Guel Picasso. He expressed his love for EVA in many Cubist works. Picasso died of illness early in the year, which made Picasso exhsted.




Picasso, a Spanish painter and sculptor, is the founder of modern art. His main representative work of Western modernist painting, the Avion girl, is the earliest work with Cubi tendency. It is a famous landmark piece.

It not only marks a major tning point in Picasso's personal art history, but also a revolution in the history of modern western art The breakthugh of fate led to the birth of Cubi movement. Ten years later, French Cubi painting got unprecedented dlopment. Even the "Avion girl", which spread to ballet, stage desi, literate, music and other fields, d a new situation of French cubi.

Picasso and Blake became the main characters of this painting.




The book "battle song of tiger mother" is wtten by Chinese Amecan and pfessor at Yale University. The thor descbes how she raised her o dghters in the traditional Chinese way. The publication of this book has csed heated debate about which education method is better than China's or Ameca's.

Although most Chinese mothers disappve, the Chinese version of the book be to be sold in China. What did the thor do? The la news shows that one year old dghter has been accepted by Harvard University and Yale University.



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