
发布时间:2024-02-06 13:39:11 阅读:21 点赞:0

关于”小我一天“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Personal day。以下是关于小我一天专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Personal day

I was very sleepy in the morning, so I didn't go running becse Ussi had something for breakfast. A new day has begun and the results will come out today. The students were very nervous, so one of my clasates called me and invited me to play basketball in the afternoon, just like playing basketball.

Although I'm really not good at playing basketball, my parents and I visited redstadt farm last Satday. The envinment there was very good. We were cleaning up the stables.

The horses were led into the stables. Every horse was put in a breeding farm. Cows and sheep were fed It's so lifelike that we get a lot of fun fm my work and a lot of fun at the farmer's preparation party.




My mother is an accountant. She is betiful and art. She likes reading.

She is very busy ry morning. After breakfast, she gets up at 5:30 to do housework. She always takes me to school and then goes to work.

She likes her work very much, so she works hard at noon. She usually gets home early after work becse she cooks for us. She watches TV and sometimes sleeps in the afternoon It seems to have seen my mother's hard work at night.

She often dnks tea and reads books. She goes to bed at ten o'clock. Today is my mother's day.

It's a busy and happy day.




(a wonderful day) last November was my birthday. I had a party at home. In the afternoon, my fends came to my house.

At the party, I received many presents. We ate a big cake, sang songs, watched TV and listened to music. We are happy, but all the good things have to come to an end.

We said goodbye at about ten o'clock. We had a very good time in November.



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