
发布时间:2022-12-09 07:45:50 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”人类与自然故事“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The story of man and nate。以下是关于人类与自然故事小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The story of man and nate

Man and nate we often say that the earth is o home and human society comes fm nate. Therefore, I think o society is a part of nate. People should live in harmony with nate.

All the mateals we need come fm nate. Howr, we should also repay nate instead of blindly asking for it. For example, we should plant trees.

In addition, we must contl the population, becse the population is gwing too fast, and the demand for natal resoces is much greater than before, which leads to We all come fm nate. This is o home, so we must try o best to ptect it.




A girl like a mother, no matter which girl he takes home, the young man finds that his mother doesn't appve of it. A fend gave him advice. Find a girl like yo mother, she will love her.

So the young man looked again and again, and finally found the girl. He told his fendly that, as you said, I found a girl dressed like a mother, n cooking. As you said, others like her, so asking a fend what happened didn't the young man.

My father hates her..






Nate, the envinment on which human beings depend for svival, is maificent and unique. There is only one earth in the universe with super high living conditions. We should chesh and ptect nate.

Howr, we have been destying it continuously, n to an alarming degree. Now let's see how many thousands of trees have been cut down, csing dreds of thousands of tons of soil esion ry year CF have been left in the air over the past decade, leading to the leakage of the ozone layer over Antarctica, the area of which is equivalent to that of the United States, which consumes millions of tons of nitgen and sulf fuel each year, ntually leading to acid rain all over the world.



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