
发布时间:2023-12-14 09:44:05 阅读:30 点赞:0

关于”保持健康技巧“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Tips for staying healthy。以下是关于保持健康技巧六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Tips for staying healthy

It is true that nowadays people are and aware of the importance of health. Howr, different people have different ways to keep healthy. For example, some people exercise ry day to keep in good shape, while others try to keep a balanced diet in my opinion.

I think the best way to keep healthy is to combine pper physical exercise with balanced diet. The reasons are as follows: on the one hand, physical exercise can not only exercise a person's body, but also reduce his or her unnecessary fat, which is very important, becse medicine has pved the importance of fat, which cses vaous diseases, some of which are n fatal, such as diabetes or hyperglycemia. On the other hand, a balanced diet can pvide people with the ght kind and amount of nutents that we know are needed for the operation of ors.

Multiple elements are effective in maintaining the normal operation of o body. The lack of any one of these elements will lead to some unpredictable diseases. Howr, a balanced diet may prnt this situation, which is self-evident and healthy The best way is to have pper physical exercise and a balanced diet.

Physical exercise and pper diet are essential to health.




How can we have a healthy body? You want to have a healthy body. You have to exercise in many countes. Health is a good healthy lifestyle.

Many people eat too much healthy food ry day. This lifestyle s them keep healthy. If you don't exercise and eat healthy food, yo body will become weaker and weaker.

Besides, you should not eat too much garbage Junk food, like French fes and ham ssage. We must do exercise and eat healthy food ry day.



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