
发布时间:2024-01-11 04:52:54 阅读:302 点赞:0

关于”喜欢一次旅行“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Like a tp。以下是关于喜欢一次旅行六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Like a tp

July is a very special day for me. I went to Beijing by train that day. I was very happy becse I would see the capital of China.

Beijing is one of the largest cities in China. There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City, the summer palace, and great. Every year, tousts fm different countes come to Beijing.

I stayed in Beijing for three days. I visited many good places when I was in the Palace Museum. I really didn't know the direction of it was very good If a big man wants to travel aund it, it will take fo hos.

All the things are very betiful, although they were made many years ago. When we were in the White House, they looked very betiful. We saw a special chair.

It was for the emper. It was made of gold. Every visitor said, "that's great." when we went to the Great Wall, they visited it Palace Museum, I am very excited, becse on the ad to the Great Wall, which is the most famous scenic spot in China, I always run very fast at the top of the Great Wall.

I think I am a he. Three days is too short for me. Beijing is a very good and modern city.

I want to make it and betiful. I should work hard. I beli Beijing will become the best city in the world in the fute.




2:喜欢旅行吗,What impresses me most about the places I have been to is that it's not easy to go to Tibet by air. It's fast and convenient. But it doesn't mean that it's only an ho to fly fm Chengdu, Sichuan Pvince to Lhasa.

I can spend about a month before they get there. There are fo ways for me to enter Tibet fm other pvinces of China. There are fo utes for me to enter Tibet fm Xinjiang, which is the most difficult one to walk fm amkozlovi to a few hos Fm Ali to Lhasa for than a few hos, they were dving new expressways, one of the highest altitudes in the world.

I had to walk sral times at an altitude of 5km, with an average height of than 4km. The ad was very bad fm emkozlovi Ali. I suddenly felt a headache.

At that time, my consciousness gradually became blred. I didn't understand the reaction to the plate, I can only hope that I can look so betiful lying outside the window. I can really express in any language that I have nr seen such a vast plate scenery.

But what makes me spsed is the actual feeling of Tibetan people to life. Tibet is not a pleasant place. The altitude is so high, and the weather is generally cold and dry.

This is not good for people's life. Therefore, their life is not good It's usually very hard, but the Tibetan Buddhist belief and life are really adable. This is my expeence dung my tp to Tibet in tumn.

Tibet is the most difficult word I can say in my daily life, "you can go to Tibet, where can you go to the world?" I often think of the days in Tibet, which has given me a joney full of hope in my life, It's the most unforgettable tp of my life.




3:喜欢一次旅行,(a wonderful tp) last summer vacation, my family went to Dalian together. We saw the sea. The sea was really good.

We swam in the sea together. I was on a ship. I saw the sunse on the sea.

We ate seafood together. But I like the taste. We came back to see the dolphin show.

The dolphins over there are really lovely. I came back to feed o fish. I like this time Travel I like traveling.



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