
发布时间:2023-05-06 09:37:22 阅读:127 点赞:0

关于”春节由来“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Ogin of Spng Festival。以下是关于春节由来六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ogin of Spng Festival

Then decorate with paper cuts and couplets, and pnt the themes of happiness, wealth and longevity on New Year's Eve. This is perhaps the most exciting part, becse expectations spread here. Traditions and tuals are observed very carefully in ry aspect fm food to clothing.

Dinner is usually seafood and dumplings, fish salad, shmp delicacy, happiness and happiness, ded oysters (or how to have a meal) ), raw fish salad or fish flavor, bnging good luck and pspety, faihai (angel hair, an edible seaweed like seaweed bngs pspety, dumplings) in jiaozi (boiled), expressed a long-term good wish. A family usually wears red clothes, becse this color is used to exorcise evil spits, but black and white do not exist, becse it is related to the moning after dinner. A family plays cards, plays board s or watches TV pgrams at midnight.

Fireworks of the day light up the sky. There is an ancient custom called red envelope, which means that mared couples give children and children Mared s give red envelopes, and then the family goes door-to-door to say hello, first to their relatives, then to their neighbors. As the Western saying goes, in the Chinese new year, it is easy to have resentment.

The end of the new year is marked by the Lantern Festival, which is a celebration of singing, dancing and lighting. Although the celebrations of Chinese New Year are different, the implied message is the peace and happiness of family members and fends.




2:春节由来,Practical words and expressions Spng Festival generation gap stereotyped concept / viewpoint commercialized version shopping rush shopping tou oented trend Spng Festival Gala Dinner spng festival couplet (stick door post or door plank) a set of white-collar workers retning home all bogeoisie overload vaety show The festival is a national festival. On this day, people often set off firecrackers, hang lanterns, paste Spng Festival couplets and New Year pictes, pay money to call children and eat dumplings. The most exciting thing is to give them money.

It's really a happy day. Spng Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past, people couldn't often eat meat, ce or other delicious things.

They could only eat them dung the Spng Festival. So they hoped that the spng festival would come soon. Although people's life was better, we could eat delicious food ry day, but people still enjoyed the Spng Festival, becse most people could have a long holiday, and we could travel freely in the ning Visit fends or get together with family.

We can have a big meal in the restrant or stay at home with o family and watch TV pgrams. I like spng festival very much. How wonderful the Spng Festival is.





3:春节由来,Spng Festival is the birthday of the lunar calendar, and it is also a traditional festival in ancient China. The "year" of the ancients was not on the first day of December or the day of the month, but on the elfth month. That is to say, after the northern and Southern Dynasties of Laba, the "Laba Festival" was not until the end of the year to the peod of the Republic of China.

When the Gregoan calendar was used, the lunar year was called "Spng Festival", becse the Spng Festival was generally aund the "spng".



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