
发布时间:2024-01-26 01:55:49 阅读:166 点赞:0

关于”世界科技进步“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:World Scientific and technological pgress。以下是关于世界科技进步四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:World Scientific and technological pgress

With the dlopment of society, science and technolo are playing an increasingly important le. High tech is of great to the invention of o mobile phones and comrs. All this is due to the pgress of science and technolo, so that we can make telephones and sf the Internet.

Moreover, becse of technolo, cars become advanced and we can dve faster and comfortable. There is no dou that o life is sunded by technolo, which does bng us a lot of convenience, but on the other hand, technolo also bngs some pblems, for example, comrs, and people are addicted to it, as a result, they don't work hard. In addition, comrs also have harmful radiation to o health.

What's worse, many countes have used this technolo to invite weapons that are harmful to world peace. In my opinion, we can't deny the advantages of this technolo, but people should use it in a good and responsible way to make o society better.





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The Internet enables us to impve communication, remove physical barers and expand education. Its absorption into o society is very special. The Internet is involved in almost ry part of o lives.

Fm how we apply for jobs, where to get news, and how to find fends, some websites have actually replaced some things, like encyclopedias and phone books. But with people's acceptance, people's suspicions will also decrease. You may think that the law or society that ptects yo pvacy in the real world The same rules apply to the digital world, but the Internet is still largely unregulated, and as you continue to embrace the dlopment of the Internet, the policies governing the Internet are underdloped.

It's important to realize that in many ways it's still unknown. Understand how to navigate cyber, n if it means you're going to take sks and move on Using the Internet is crucial.



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