一篇自我介绍的英语作文_A self introduction 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-22 15:02:22 阅读:110 点赞:0

关于”一篇自我介绍“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A self intduction。以下是关于一篇自我介绍小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A self intduction

Hello, my name is Martin. I'm a boy. I'm this year old.

I'm tall and thin in my class. I like playing football and basketball. I like to eat hot dogs and hambgers.

I'm very fendly. I have a lot of fends. Do you want to make fends with me.




I am very honored to have the opportunity to participate in the interview, now I will befly intduce myself. My name is, years old, graduated fm University, metal engineeng, bachelor degree, cheerful personality, people have affinity, but also attaches great importance to team spit, good listening and communication skills. I have been in quality mament for three years, mainly responsible for the establishment and maintenance of quality orization, internal dit, mament review, orizational acceptance of all customers, o dit suppliers and the third dit also deals with the daily work flow and after-sales quality.

If I am lucky to get this job, I will work hard to give full play to their potential and make due contbutions to the company.




I want to be the monitor, dear Mrs. Kong. I heard that o class needs a monitor in the new semester.

I want to try. You know I'm good at all subjects. I have many advantages, such as good health, good patience and good relationship with clasates.

I think other people are important than myself. My clasates think I'm very ful, so I hope you will give me a chance and I will work hard.




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