
发布时间:2024-01-24 05:09:17 阅读:270 点赞:0

关于”介绍豹子“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduce Leopard。以下是关于介绍豹子考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Leopard

North and South Ameca are generally recoized as named after Italian explorer mego Vespucci. German cartographers Martin waldseul and Mattias Liman Vespucci explored South Ameca beeen and. They were the first Eupeans to ppose that Ameca was not the East Indies, but that Eupeans were in waldseem ü ller He found a different land.

On the map, he put the word "Ameca" on the South Amecan continent. In the middle of today's Brazil, North Ameca is used to refer to the northern countes and tertoes of North Ameca: Canada, the United States, Greenland, Bermuda. Saint Pierre and micnaire are generally considered to be different fm the southern region of Ameca, which is mainly composed of Latin Ameca.

The word Central Ameca is sometimes used to refer to Mexico, Central Amecan countes and the Cabbean.




2:介绍美洲豹,A large carnivous feline mammal (Panthera PUMA) of Afca and northwest India, having a short yellowish bwn coat, is a large carnivous feline mammal (Panther) of Afca and northwest India, having a short tawny coat, a tufted tail, and a long, heavy mane on the neck and shoulders of the male, related to or similar to the lion's tail Any of sral large wildcats; in males, the long heavy mane on the neck and shoulders is related to or resembling a lion.




3:介绍豹子,The North Amecan Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was sied by Canada, Mexico and the United States in December and entered into force on January

1. The North Amecan Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a precedent for the establishment of a free trade area beeen dloped and dloping countes. The agreement aims to pmote free trade in goods and s and increase investment.

NAFTA not only eliminates taff ptection and reduces non-taff barers, but also intduces GATT plus trade and investment related rules. On the basis of bilateral Canada Free Trade Agreement (cuta), which came into effect in January, NAFTA has a comparative effect on free trade The main pgress of the agreement includes the substantial expansion of government pcement (s, construction intellectual pperty and investor ghts) (the intduction of binding investor country arbitration and stcter rules of ogin) and the bilateral labor cooperation (naalc) and these additional agreements will allow for the imposition of fines and trade sanctions in some cases to enforce national standards.



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