有关肢体语言的英语作文_About body language 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-17 12:16:32 阅读:403 点赞:0

关于”有关肢体语言“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About body language。以下是关于有关肢体语言xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About body language

Pandas are fm China. They are black and white. Many people like panda very much, becse panda is very cute, very gentle, but now there are not many pandas in the world.

Pandas are o national trease, so they are very precious. We should ptect them. The hometown of pandas is Sichuan.

Pandas like to eat bamboo, so there are many in Sichuan. But in the zoo, pandas not only eat bamboo, but also eat radish, steamed bread and vegetables. Moreover, they usually have a good appetite.

One day, pandas can eat a lot of food. So in the zoo, they are very fat and there are some dangeus animals. People are afraid of them.

But pandas are different fm them, so people are different They like to watch pandas. Pandas look happy. They are very fendly.

They don't bite or scratch people.





If you are a millie, what will you do? Many people will buy a house or travel nd the world. For me, if I have a school, I will open a school. I can educate many children and teach them whether they are ght or not.

Anyone will tell you that children are the fute of a country. If my dream comes true, I will be very happy becse I will be a good to my country I am not a ch man. I have no hope that one day I can become a millie, but now I hope I have a lot of money.

If I am a ch fool now, can ryone live a happy life? I was once tght that "money can't buy happiness", but it seems that the reality is not as wng as the teachers, life is not fairy tale like cruel life People's forehead wnkles, he steals iles fm people's faces, he teaches people how to fight, how to cry, how to keep silent, what's stupid about the happy life of people whose money has been stolen. What's the stupid situation in the stupid money world? Everyone's chasing it, ryone's chasing it, it.




The whale is the biggest animal in the world, but the blue whale is the grea whale we all know. A bus is about tons, but some blue whales are than tons. A bus may be feet long.

But recently, some whales are about feet long. The number of whales in the world is obviously decreasing. We take ptecting them as one of o responsibilities, for a betiful one Good world.



标签: 宠物英文名 

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