
发布时间:2023-07-11 07:53:36 阅读:127 点赞:0

关于”科学和人类关系“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The relationship beeen science and 。以下是关于科学和人类关系六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The relationship beeen science and

Illegal cutting down these precious natal resoces. In addition, if ryone loves trees, they should continue to plant new trees to replace those dead trees. O world will be much betiful than now.

No one can live without trees. The trees aund him can not only ptect the soil and water, but also betify o lovely earth becse of the heavy rain and storm, When we walk in the forest or look at the green trees covered mountains, we feel satiied. Since trees are so important in human life, we can't desty them in order to get land to build factoes or dams.

The government should make laws to ptect them, and all of us should love these green scenees with all o heart and soul Home and the world will become a betiful green paradise in the fute.




As we all know, the Beijing Aquaum is an interesting place, so I went to the Beijing Aquaum with my mother and grandmother yesterday. Yesterday we went there by taxi. We went there for about half an ho.

We saw a lot of fish. They live in the tpical rain forest, such as discus fish, part fish. Second, we went to the Ocean theater, where we sewed dolphins And walrus.

We took a lot of pictes there. We had some food at the Beijing Aquaum. After eating, we saw all kinds of corals and kiwifruit.

We were tired, but we had a good time.





Science and technolo has bught great benefits to . We now live in a house with air conditioning, refgerator, washing machine, television and other scientific and technological equipment. We live comfortably and conveniently.

Science and technolo enable us to eat fresh vegetables all the year und. Becse of science and technolo, we can travel on aies, trains and cars in a few seconds. We wear synthetic mateals Clothes are not easy to wear and tear.

First of all, science and technolo have bught us many disasters. Becse of many breakthughs in the field of medicine, people's life expectancy is much longer than in the past. Therefore, the world's population is increasing, csing many pblems.

Second, due to the dlopment of industry, factoes pduce a large amount of waste into the air and vers, csing all kinds of pollution. Third, some tersts benefit We gently need to find solutions to these pblems, but we should not stop the dlopment of science and technolo becse of the disasters they bng. Just as we should not give up eating for fear of suffocation, we should formulate some rules to regulate o behavior As long as we use science and technolo in an apppate way, they may bng us benefits.



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