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关于”节由来“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Father's Day 。以下是关于节由来专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Father's Day

Almost ry child will be asked who you like better, yo mother or yo father. There is no dou that mother is very great becse she gave you life, and father is also important. Father's Day was invented to express gratitude to father.

There is a story about father's day. The first person to put forward the idea of father's Day is Mrs. Dodd.

She hopes to have a special day to commemorate her Mrs. Dodd wanted father's day to be celebrated on her father's birthday, but later President Johnson sied a document declang the third Sunday in June to be father's day. Since then, it has become an international festival, not only to commemorate father, but also to commemorate father's day for all People want to thank their father, he has always loved you, no matter what difficulties you encounter, he will stand by yo side, so no matter how busy we are, we should call them fm time to time.


几乎每个孩子都会被问到你更喜欢谁,你还是你毫无疑问,是非常伟大,因为她给了你生命,而也是重要节是为了表达对感激而发明节有一个故事 第一个提出节想法人是多德夫人她希望有一个特别子来纪念她,她妻子在很多年前去世了,多德夫人希望节在她生那天庆祝,但后来约翰逊总统签署了一份文件,宣布xx月第三个星期天是节,从那时起,这一天成为一个国际节,不仅是为了纪念,而且也是为了纪念所有人节提醒人们要感谢他们,他一直爱着你,无论你遇到什么困难,他都会站在你身边,所以无论我们有多忙,我们都应该时不时地给他们打电话。


Sonora fm Washington Dodd) had the idea of "father's Day" for the first time. She thought of father's day when she was listening to the mother's Day sermon in Sonora. She hoped to have a special day to commemorate her father, William Smart, a civil war veteran whose wife died at the birth of their sixth child.

Mr. art had to raise one of them in eastern Washington state After a newborn and five other children grew up in Sonora on a ral farm, she realized that her father showed selflessness in raising the children. Her father made all the sacfices for her parents.

In her dghter's eyes, he was a brave and selfless person. Howr, Sonora's father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first time in Spokane, Washington on June Father's Day celebrations: President Calvin Coolidge, after supporting the idea of National Father's day, sied a presidential pclamation by President Lyndon Johnson declang Sunday June 3 as president's father's day. Richard Nixon sied the law and ntually made it permanent, quoting a saying about father: "a father always tns a child into a little woman when she is a woman No one of you will be pud of being such a father's child.

He has no father in the world who is so great, so excellent and so perfect. You should follow his steps and don't lose heart, becse to be really like him, I'm se none of you will be in a certain place Like him in some ways, so you're going to get a lot of "Victoa, Queen of England," the father's thankless position in the family, the breadwinner for all, and the enemy in all the "J August." In Stndberg, a wise father knows his child "William Shakespeare". One father is better than a dred teachers.

"Btish pverb" there is an absolute rule to be a succesul father: when you have a child, don't look at "Ernest Hemingway" for the first o years. I can't think of any need so stng in childhood as the need for father ptection "Siund Freud.


来自索诺拉·多德(Sonora Dodd)第一次有了“节”想法,她在索诺拉听节布道时想到了节这个想法,她希望有一个特殊子来纪念她,威廉·斯马特是一名内战退伍军人,他妻子在生下他们第六个孩子时去世,斯马特先生不得不抚养他们在州东部一个乡村农场里,一个新生儿和另外五个孩子在索诺拉长大后,她意识到在抚养孩子时表现出无私,是她为父母做出了一切牺牲,在女儿看来,他是一个勇敢、无私人,而爱侣索诺拉出生于xx月,因此她选择xx月在州斯波坎举行第一次节庆祝活动,总统卡尔文·柯立芝在支持全国节想法后,在林登·约翰逊总统签署总统,宣布xx月3星期为总统节理查德·签署了这项法律,并最终使之永久化,引用了关于话:“总是把孩子变成一个小,当她是个时候,他又把她抛弃了”伊妮德·巴格诺德“你们谁也不会为自己是这样一个孩子而感到骄傲,他在这个世界上没有一个是如此伟大、如此优秀、如此完美地努力你们要追随他脚步,不要灰心,因为要真正像他一样,我敢肯定,你们中没有一个会在某些方面像他一样,因此,你们会得到很多“维多利亚,英格兰女王”,这是在家庭中吃力不讨好地位,是所有人养家糊口,也是敌人在所有“J August Stndberg”中,一个聪明知道自己孩子“威廉·”一个胜过一百个教师“英国谚语”要成为一个成有一个绝对规则:当你有孩子时候,不要看它头两年“欧内斯特·”我想不出童年有什么需要这么强烈作为对保护需要“西格蒙德·弗洛伊德。


The United States is one of the few countes in the world. On the third Sunday of June, children will give their fathers a formal memoal day. Fathers all over the United States will receive gifts.

The ogin of father's Day is not clear. Some people say that father's day be with a chch ceremony in West Virginia, while others say the first father's Day ceremony was held in Vancouver, Washington Harry Mick, chairman of the Chicago chapter of Lions Club, is said to have celebrated the first father's day with his orization in, and the date they chose was the third Sunday in June, the closest day to Mikes' own birthday. No matter when the first real father's day took place, the most powerful pmoter of the festival was Bruce John Dodd of Spokane Mrs.

Dodd, Washington, felt that she had an outstanding father, a civil war veteran, whose wife had died young and who had raised six children without a mother. Mrs. Dodd found her own pastor and others in Spokane, hoping to hold a chch for her father on her father's birthday, and her pastor be to prepare on June 4 So he spoke a few weeks later on June, and Washington celebrated father's day on the third Sunday in June, and the children would make special desserts or visit their fathers if they lived apart.

States and orizations be lobbying Congress to announce father's day ry year with the support of President Woodw Wilson, but it was not until President Calvin Coolidge made it a national nt to establish a closer relationship beeen fathers and children and to allow fathers to fully fulfill their obligations that fathers were respected by families acss the country on the third Sunday of June They can't visit their fathers or take them out to dinner. Traditionally, they send greeting cards. Fathers prefer less sentimental ones.

Most cards are whimsical. So fathers will ile when they open cards. Some people will thank them sincerely becse whenr children need a father, father's day has become a festival not only to commemorate you, but also to commemorate you Fathers there, but all the men who play the le of fathers commemorate stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers and male fends on father's day.



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