
发布时间:2024-03-31 18:31:37 阅读:12 点赞:0

关于”写需要用到连接词“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Wte the necessary connectives。以下是关于写需要用到连接词xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte the necessary connectives

(Kenya) mount kilamonia coffee (kilamonia mountain mixed coffee): Mount kilamonia blended coffee, ° Frapuccino Caff é Fo C (Italian coffee): (steamed milk) coffee latte cappuccino mocaccino espresso (single and double) ddecaf: (looks delicious) menu (dessert) (cake) (Biscotti) (muffin) cheese cake sponge cake chiffon cake vanilla cream cake marble chocolate cake chocolate cake dark forest cake Swiss chocolate white chocolate cake? Butter chocolate Hawaiian nuts: Banana lemon vanilla strawberry chocolate blueberry raspberry Raspberry (doughnut) (PIE) (waffle) (scones) regular doughnut jelly doughnut chocolate doughnut powdered sugar doughnut apple pie lemon pie pecan pie cherry pie Boston Pie yellow oil chocolate cinnamon pie, butter chocolate Cranberry (ll) (PIE) (bagel) Mini Danish ll raisin ll Maple cinnamon ll Caramel fruit pie strawberry pie lemon tarts degree vanilla garlic wheat Cranberry blueberry ce pudding cream pudding cream pudding.


(肯尼亚)基拉莫尼亚山咖啡(基拉莫尼亚山混合咖啡):基拉莫尼亚山混合咖啡,°Frapuccino CafféFo C(意大利咖啡):(蒸牛奶)咖啡拿铁卡布奇诺摩卡奇诺浓咖啡(单双份)DDecaf:(看起来很美味)菜单(饮食甜点)(蛋糕)(Biscotti)(松饼)奶酪蛋糕海绵蛋糕雪纺蛋糕香奶油蛋糕大理石巧克力蛋糕巧克力蛋糕黑森林蛋糕瑞士巧克力白巧克力蛋糕?黄油巧克力夏威夷坚果:香蕉柠檬香莓巧克力蓝莓树莓树莓(甜甜圈)(派)(华夫饼)(烤饼)普通甜甜圈果冻甜甜圈巧克力甜甜圈粉状糖甜甜圈苹果派柠檬派山核桃派樱桃派波士顿派黄油巧克力肉桂饼°,黄油巧克力蔓越莓(卷)(馅饼)(百吉饼)迷你丹麦卷葡萄卷枫树肉桂卷焦糖水果馅饼莓馅饼柠檬挞,°纯香大蒜小麦蔓越莓蓝莓米饭布丁奶油布丁奶油布丁。


Panda is one of the rarest animals in the world. People like it very much. A long time ago, there were many giant pandas in China.

As the natal balance was destyed, the weather became warmer and warmer, and there were fewer and fewer pandas. But now, the number of giant pandas is increasing year by year. Now many giant pandas are sent to other countes so that people can enjoy them there.

China's largest panda nate park is in Sichuan. There is a research center for nate and wildlife. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough giant pandas to be free to live in the wild again.

My favote animal is the tortoise. The tortoise doesn't walk fast, but I like tortoise. Becse tortoise is a lovely animal, it has a short tail and fo short feet.

It has a short tail and fo short feet A all head and a hard shell. They are forty-five lovely little ttles in my house. They like to play in the water.

When they are afraid of something, they will run fast. They like to eat fish. I often buy some all fish for them to eat.

They can catch the fish first. When the fish reaches their mouth, they pretend to sleep. They catch the fish quickly, bite the head of the fish, so the fish die, they can eat fish in winter, they like to sleep in the sand, they don't eat any food, becse they hibernate in the wall, but when they are thirsty, they come out of the sand, so we have to give them water.

I love ttles and I hate eagles becse Eagles often eat ttles with their sharp beaks. My favote animal is tortoise.




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