
发布时间:2023-03-28 01:32:49 阅读:152 点赞:0

关于”健康是非常重要“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Health is very important。以下是关于健康是非常重要专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Health is very important

Once in a centy, good sleep is very important for o health, especially for agers. First of all, good sleep is a peod of puberty physical dlopment, and good health is very important for the fute. Second, young people are under great presse to study and sleep well.

Only when they have a good sleep, can we focus on learning. Young people are the hope of o country's fute. Only by sleeping well can we Become the backbone of the country's fute.




2:健康很重要,Nowadays, with the impvement of living standards, and people begin to pay attention to their health. We all know that having a good body is the grea benefit, both for themselves and for the whole family. When you are in good health, we will feel happy at work.

How can we ptect o body, in my opinion In order to have a healthy life, you can easily have health. If you can form good habits, first of all, we must keep o time and don't stay up late. If so, we can have enough ener to do o work the next day.

Second, we should keep good personal hygiene, take a bath, change clothes often, and we should eat vegetables Don't be picky about vegetables and fruits. In short, we should ense balanced nuttion. We can have a healthy and happy life only if we persre and treat o body well.




3:健康是非常重要,Health is very important to us. If we don't have a healthy body, how can we work hard? If we can't work hard, how can we succeed? How can we be happy? Many useful rules can be done well. If we follow them first, we must exercise.

Finally, we must have enough sleep and work to make oselves busy and lazy Lazy people will nr enjoy health, and will nr succeed and be happy.



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