
发布时间:2023-04-06 17:46:09 阅读:179 点赞:0

关于”玩手机现象“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Mobile phone playing phenomenon。以下是关于玩手机现象四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mobile phone playing phenomenon

With the dlopment of modern science and technolo, art phones are popular all over the world with their outstanding functions. People can use mobile phones anywhere to sf the Internet, update personal micblogs and upload the la pictes. Anyway, art phones seem to have become an indispensable part of people's daily life.

Some people are addicted to art phones, which has pduced their normal life With the negative impact, some people, especially agers, are easy to fall in love with artphones. First of all, people are under great presse now. Mobile phones pvide a platform for people to relax.

By playing s, chatting with fends, watching movies and listening to music, it is easy for people to forget their pblems temporaly. Second, there are always new things in mobile phones, which are interesting, mysteous and diverse. So people want to tn on their phones.

Do you want to know what's going on aund them? When people spend too much time on the phone, they don't have enough opportunities to communicate with their fends or parents. Their attention is attracted by the virtual world, they lack good self-contl ability, and they are vulnerable to artphone addiction They should focus on their study and work. I think people should take artphone addiction seously.

It takes time and patience to get d of Internet addiction. People should tn off their mobile phones, go out to communicate with others face to face, exercise and form an optimistic attitude towards life.





I am six years old now. I will go to pmary school soon. This is the last summer before I go to pmary school.

I said goodbye to my fends. We played together all summer. My fends told me that they would go to the same school with me.

I am very happy that I had a good summer vacation.




Taking pictes on a teacher's report is popular than taking notes in a notebook. I appreciate that this is not a wise way to understand the teacher's basic performance. When you wte in yo notebook, you can understand what the teacher says, and you can leave the photos on yo mobile phone, so that you can review what the teacher said in class by looking at the notebook again when you are playing s or chatting with fends on yo mobile phone.

That's why I prefer to use pen Reasons for wting in notebooks.



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