
发布时间:2023-04-17 01:24:26 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”爱好“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Love movies。以下是关于爱好考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love movies

"Titanic" is a movie I saw and watched again, but nr failed. The end of the movie left a deep impression on me, not becse too many people died, but becse Jack lost his life, although he was not worthy of it. If Jack and se svived, would they get mared? Will they live happily together? She is used to not worry about not getting what she wants.

Freedom is her next goal. Maybe in a short time, she may enjoy life with Jack. But if one day she loses her passion, I love Jack's life and their love.

This movie tells me that death can last forr.




He thinks of cards as a kind of meditation. He nr dous that he is not for the money he wins, he doesn't want to respect him, he deals cards to find answers, sacred geometry, laws of potential possible outcomes, number guided dance. I know spades are soldiers' swords.

I know sticks are weapons. About war, I know diamonds mean money for this art, but it's not My heart shape, he may play diamond jack, he may put the spade queen in his hand, he may hide the king in his hand, and the memory of war is gradually disappeang. I know that spades are the sword of soldiers, I know that sticks are weapons of war, I know that diamonds mean money Art, but that's not the shape of my heart, that's not my shape, the shape of my heart, if I Tell you I love you, you may think there is something wng with me.

I'm not a man with too many faces. I wear a mask that knows nothing and finds their pce, like those who cse their luck in too many places, the iling people lose me. I know that black peach is the sword of soldiers, I know that sticks are weapons of war, and I know diamonds mean to this art Money, but it's not the shape of my heart, it's not the shape of my heart.




I like watching movies when I have time. I spend most of my free time watching classic movies. Although some people think that spending time on entertainment is a waste of time, in fact, they are wng.

Watching movies is a good way to baden o hozons. A good movie always shows some cultal or social pblems, so as to attract people's attention and them think about me We can perceive the world's pblems thugh excellent movies. When cultal shock occs, we will consider that what we always think is ght needs to be changed.

O view of the world can be impved to us become a better person. Reading books may be no chat for some people, and watching movies is an interesting way to acquire knowledge.



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