
发布时间:2023-04-15 13:06:26 阅读:73 点赞:0

关于”写一篇夫亲节用“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Wte an article on huand's day。以下是关于写一篇夫亲节用xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an article on huand's day

We would like to send a all gift to express o gratitude and thanks. Happy Teacher's day, you are like the third parent. We all love and respect you.

The main ppose of education is not to teach you how to make money. Howr, in order to make ry sweet James angel, we like you to be o teacher. You should get o respect and gratitude.

Today is teacher's day, which is a thank you all Teacher's moment this pfession deserves special recoition and respect. There is no apppate time to respect you and others in yo chosen field. I wish you a happy Teacher's day.

Thank you very much for being a qualified teacher or n a better fend. Thank you for all you have done. Education is not a bucket full of water, but who can light a fire to make it difficult It's easy for the educator to give you o eternal gratitude.

On this special day, the teacher influences eternity. He can nr say that his influence stopped Henry Adams. This is the most apppate time to express o gratitude to you.

This all gift is just o gratitude. We all want to thank you. I really appreciate what you have done.

Dear teacher, thank you for using yo own life The light of life has illuminated my life joney, and my gratitude comes fm my heart.




The water splashing Festival is the most important festival in Apl of the lunar calendar. It usually lasts three to fo days. Up to now, Dai people have a myth here: in ancient times, there was a devil in this area.

He did all kinds of evil things. People hated him, but there was nothing that could not deal with demons later. Sn girls found the devil's fatal weakness.

Only the devil's hair could kill one night The girl bravely killed the devil, but the devil's head touched the gund. He cght fire at this time. The girls would appear immediately once a year.

When the change was made, people had to hold the girl on their head and splash water to wash the blood and later fatigue, forming the most important feast water spnkling Festival.




Halloween is an tumn festival that Amecans celebrate ry year. It means "holy night". Every October is the night before Saint's day.

Howr, it is not a real chch festival, it is a children's festival, mainly ry tumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, the children pick off the big orange pumpkin, then cut their faces inside, put the pumpkin inside and light a candle. It looks like someone looks out of the pumpkin. These lights are called pumpkin lights, that is to say, "Lantern Jack" children ry year Some children paint their faces as monsters.

Then they move fm house to house. They say, "tck or treat if you don't pay.". Adults put candy or candy in their bags, only children, but most s also like Halloween and Halloween parties, becse on this day, they can disguise as characters or s, becse their imagination will guide them, which bngs them a sense of youth satiaction.



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