
发布时间:2023-04-17 03:00:02 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”去迪斯尼原因“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Why did you go to Disney。以下是关于去迪斯尼原因专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Why did you go to Disney

Eb9ee7ad Hong Kong Disneyland is a holiday resort located in the theme park of Hong Kong Disneyland. It is the fifth Disneyland subway in Hong Kong. Disneyland has a special railway line, fm Xinao railway station to Hong Kong Station, fm Disneyland railway line to the world's second world.

The theme song "let's fly wonderfully", by the Hong Kong Ambassador honorary singer Zhang Xueyou park. The official languages of communication are English and Chinese (Putonghua and Cantonese).




2:你为什么去迪斯尼,A year ago, I met Disneyland. At that time, my mother took me to Hong Kong. I was very happy.

We went to Disneyland. I saw many lovely cartoon characters. I saw them when I was watching TV.

I was very happy. I told my mother that I would come here soon. I like Disneyland very much and I want to live in Disneyland..




3:去迪斯尼原因,(Aladdin:) I can show you the world (Aladdin:) , , (Aladdin:) tell me, pncess, now (Aladdin:) for the last time, you let yo heart decide when (Aladdin:) I can open yo eyes (Aladdin:) and take you one acle after another (Aladdin:) on the joney of the magic carpet (Aladdin:) A new world (Aladdin:) a new fantasy Perspective (Aladdin:) no one told us no, where to go (Aladdin:) or we were just dreaming of a new world (Jaine:), a dazzling place I nr knew (Jaine:), but when I was here, it was obvious (Jaine:) Flower:) now you and I are in a new world (Jaine:) unbelievable sight (Aladdin:) incredible sight (Jaine:) indescbable feeling (Jaine:) soang, lling, flying freely in the boundless diamond sky (Jaine:) (Jaine:) a new world (Aladdin: Don, you dare not close yo eyes)( Jaine:) there are 100000 things to see (Aladdin: don't breathe better) (o:) I'm like a meteor, I've come so far (Jaine:) I can't go back to where I used to be (Aladdin:) a whole new world (Aladdin:) a new vision to psue (both:) I'll be anywhere Let me share with you this whole new world (Jaine:) a new world (Aladdin:) a new world (Jaine:) (Jaine:) a new and wonderful view (both:). No one tells us where to go (Jaine:) or that we are just dreaming (Aladdin:) a whole new world (Jaine: a spse ry time) (Aladdin:) have a new vision to psue (Jaine: the scarlet letter ry moment) (o:) I will t them wherr I have time (Jaine:) anywhere (Aladdin: let me share this new world with you (Jaine: with you) (Jaine:) a new world( Aladdin:) a whole new world (Jaine:) that's where we're going (Aladdin:) we're going to have a thlling chase there (Aladdin:) a wonderful place (o:) ending for you and me.



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